This is the time when kids look forward to Halloween. Maybe you do, too, especially if a friend invites you to a Halloween party. Perhaps you are planning one yourself. You may be having a costume day for Halloween at work. However, if you are a pagan, Halloween has a deeper meaning. Samhain, pronounced “sow-in,” is a significant festival celebrated by modern-day Pagans and Wiccans. Originating from ancient Celtic traditions, Samhain transitions from the light half of the year to the dark half. Therefore, it is ushering in the winter season. It is a time to honor ancestors, commune with spirits, and reflect on the cycle of life and death. Let’s now delve into Samhain’s meaning, history, and shared traditions. There will also be a collective 2024 Samhain tarot reading.
Meaning and Significance of Samhain
Samhain holds deep spiritual significance, representing the boundary between the old and new year. The belief is that the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thinnest during this liminal time.
Therefore, it allows more accessible communication with the departed and ancestral spirits. Samhain is viewed as a time of introspection, transformation, and honoring the cycles of life and death.
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Samhain has its roots in ancient Celtic culture, specifically in Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. Along with Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh, it was one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals.
The Celts celebrated Samhain as the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It was a time to gather resources, prepare for the colder months, and give offerings to appease deities and spirits. To this day, there are common Samhain traditions that those who follow the Sabbat share.
Firstly, in 2024 Samhain is a time to connect with and honor one’s ancestors. Many people set up ancestral altars, light candles, and leave offerings such as food or drink. They may also leave photographs to pay homage to their lineage. Some also hold rituals to invite ancestral spirits to join in the celebration.
Fire also has a significant role in Samhain celebrations. Bonfires were traditionally lit to ward off evil spirits and provide warmth and light during the darkening days. In modern times, people gather around bonfires to share stories, sing songs, and participate in fire rituals. They do it to release any negativity from the past year.
The tradition of wearing costumes and masks during Samhain has its roots in ancient Celtic customs. People would dress as spirits or animal-like beings to confuse and ward off evil entities. Today, costume parties and masquerades are popular during Samhain. People love to express their creativity and connect with the spirit world, and kids love to dress up for trick-or-treating.
The iconic Jack-o’-lanterns, carved pumpkins with lit candles inside, are a beloved symbol of Samhain. Originally, turnips or potatoes were carved and used as lanterns to guide spirits on their journey. This tradition evolved to using pumpkins, which are more readily available. People place Jack-o’-lanterns on doorsteps and windowsills to ward off evil spirits and welcome benevolent ones.
Finally, Samhain is considered an auspicious time for divination and seeking guidance for the upcoming year. People practice Tarot readings, scrying, and other forms of divination. The belief in the thinning of the veil allows for more precise insights and communication with the spirit realm. And that is why pagans and Wiccans have a special altar for Samhain.
The ideal altar for Samhain in 2024 is a sacred space that embodies the season’s spirit. Adorning it with symbols and items that honor the ancestors would be best. Also, decorate it with items representing the thinning veil between the physical and spiritual realms. For example, you can place photographs or mementos of departed loved ones to connect with their spirits.
Also, use autumnal colors like orange, red, and black and seasonal decorations like pumpkins, dried leaves, and acorns. Incorporate candles to represent the guiding light and warmth amidst the darkness.
Food, drink, or herbs can be offered to honor and welcome ancestral spirits. The altar should evoke a sense of reverence and remembrance during this sacred time of Samhain. The altar is where you can do tarot readings, and now, let’s do a 2024 collective Samhain tarot reading.
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Samhain 2024 Tarot Reading
Here is a collective four-card Samhain tarot reading, and I pulled the following:
Card one – What shows up as the veil thins – Queen of Swords
Card two – What stays hidden – Ace of Cups
Card three – What requires changing right now – Ten of Pentacles
Card four – What message comes from your ancestors – Two of Wands
The first card, the Queen of Swords, represents mental clarity, rational thinking, and assertiveness. As the veil thins during Samhain, this card suggests you will have an enhanced ability to tap into your intellect. Additionally, you’ll approach situations with a logical mindset. Use this clarity to communicate assertively and make decisions based on sound judgment.
The second card, the Ace of Cups, represents new beginnings, emotional abundance, and love. This position suggests that there may be untapped emotional potential or hidden feelings that have yet to be fully realized. Take the time to explore your emotions and connect with your intuition to uncover emotional depth.
The Ten of Pentacles is the third card representing stability, abundance, and generational wealth. In this position, it indicates that a change is needed in your approach to creating long-term security and fulfillment. It’s time to reassess your values, family dynamics, or financial goals to ensure they’re aligned with your true desires. You’ll want it for lasting satisfaction.
The last card, the Two of Wands, represents planning, vision, and taking control of your destiny. Your ancestors are guiding you to take charge of your life and embrace your power. They encourage you to explore new possibilities, expand your horizons, and step into a leadership role. Trust their guidance and embark on a path that aligns with your passions and purpose.
Key Takeaway for Samhain 2024
Samhain is a time of deep spiritual significance, marking the transition from the light to the dark half of the year. It offers an opportunity to reflect on the cycle of life and death, honor ancestors, and commune with spirits.
People can connect with their roots by embracing Samhain’s ancient traditions and customs. They can also seek future guidance and celebrate the beauty of the changing seasons.
For 2024, the Samhain tarot spread reveals that as the veil thins, the Queen of Swords brings mental clarity. That happens while the Ace of Cups indicates hidden emotions.
The Ten of Pentacles calls for a change in creating stability. And finally, the Two of Wands carries a message from ancestors to take control and embrace new possibilities. Now you know what energies you are facing during this Samhain.
I am a Canadian mom, writer, astrologer, tarot reader, and evidential medium who enjoys traveling, loves to unravel mysteries, and is passionate about metaphysics and spirituality. I am also a mental health advocate and a podcaster, as I have my show, The Tarot Table. You can connect with me at