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These are the Luckiest Days in December 2024

2024 is coming to a close, but what does the future hold? Looking into the numerology of the month of December, you can expect to feel close to your loved ones (both living and deceased). Some days will be luckier than others, so let’s dive into the numerology of each day to see when its safe to fall in love, spend some money, or if it’s better to lay low. Let’s discover the luckiest days in December 2024.

December 2024 is a 20/2 Month

2 is the number of intuition, observation and relationships. It represents the more subtle and introverted uses of our energy, things pertaining to the emotional and spiritual aspects of life. Paired with 0, the number which represents Spirit and God, this is the most intuitive number of the bunch.

A 20/2 month usually comes with messages and signs from the spiritual world. These messages may come from the Universe, ancestors or those a part of your spirit team. It’s important to move slower this month so as not to miss out on the subtleties all around you.

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Keep in mind that if you feel like something is a message, IT IS. If your order comes out at $11.55, your dad’s favorite song comes on the radio, or the penny on the ground is from your kid’s birth year it is a message. Keep in mind that the message is often simple: you are loved, you are seen, you are supported more than you know.

The Luckiest Days in December 2024 are the 1st, 15th and 30th

December 1st is a 21/3 day

Any 21/3 day is going to feel big, new and exciting. However, this one in particular also falls on the day of the Sagittarius new moon. Sagittarius is all about expansion and learning–two things that align perfectly with the vibe of 21/3. So shoot for the star today, because if you miss you’ll still be among the stars.

December 15th is a 35/8 day

35/8 is the kind of number that pushes us towards accomplishing a great many things. These days have a lot of stamina and a desire to do all of the things. There will be a full moon in Gemini this night, but Mercury will also station retrograde, so prepare for a lot to happen in a short period of time.

December 30th is a 50/5 day

50/5 is the type of day that makes us feel extra appreciative of our lives and all the people we have in it. Love and joy are more easily attainable today. We get two new moon this month, so this lovey vibe coincides with the Capricorn new moon. Capricorn reminds us that love is practical and something we should all have on our goal lists. Without love, what is life?

Abundance Check Ritual: Embrace the New Moon Power

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The Best Days for Love in December 2024 are the 20th, 22nd and 24th

December 20th is a 40/4 day

40/4 is the number of community support, so this is a good day to help your friends out. Or maybe you’re the friend who needs help, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need! Venus trines Jupiter today so love in all forms is bountiful!

December 22nd is a 42/6 day

6 is the number of love and caregiving, so any day that vibrates to the number 6 is going to be a good day for love, however 42/6 in particular is great for one on one connections. Plan a date for today with someone you wish to have a stronger emotional bond with.

December 24th is a 44 day

44 is the number of Master Manifestation and, as a master number, it can often bring a certain challenge with it. Venus in Aquarius will be in beneficial relationships with Chiron and Lilith today, if you’ve been manifesting a love that is both healing and powerful you may see it come to fruition in both big and small ways today.

How Your Sign Affects Your Manifestation Style

The Hardest Days in December 2024 are the 4th, 16th, 25th and 28th

Luckiest days in December 2024: December 4th is a 24/6 day

24/6 is a number of love, sex and dating traditionally. This is because these days come with an intense feeling of desire, however with the Sun and Saturn squaring off on this day you’ll likely feel the type of yearning that is impossible to satiate.

December 16th is a 36/9 day

This will be the day after the full moon in Gemini, so make sure to relax as much as possible today. 36/9 is the number of burnout, so if you’re feeling the pressure mount this holiday season be sure to take it slow (on this day, at least).

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December 25th is a 45/9 day

Christmas can be a very happy day for some, and the  worst day of the year for many others. This year it will certainly be a day of big feelings, tears, grief, anger and more. If you know that some people are good at triggering you into difficult emotions, you can and should stay away from them on this day. You need to be around people that are safe spaces for difficult feelings.

December 28th is a 48/3 day

Today is a day for unexpected and sudden break ups. Venus and Uranus will be square, so if you’re feeling like you are not being valued in one of your relationships, then you need to be the one to end things. 48/3 is all about walking away from something good in order to make space for something better.

The Best Days in December 2024 for Finances are the 2nd, the 7th, and the 21st

December 2nd is a 22 day

22 is the number of the Master Builder and, as a master number, you know that it might bring a few challenges your way. However, these challenges are meant to inspire you, not mess with your life. In fact, when you look at the changes that take place today you may find that they were exactly what you needed, even if they weren’t intended.

Luckiest days in December 2024: December 7th is a 27/9 day

27/9 is about open mindedness and a willingness to look at things from a bird eye view. You may be asked to make some sort of investment into your future, or the futures of others today. Make your decision by thinking long term.

December 21st is a 41/5 day

The Sun moves into Capricorn, the earth sign which rules over long term goals and commitments. 41/5 is a pretty “go with the flow” number, counter to how Capricorn energy can feel. However, this is going to be a great day for goal setting, so long as you are open to a few different paths of getting there.

Those are the vibes of the month! Take advantage of the luckiest days of December 2024!