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Mark Your Calendars: The Sturgeon Full Moon Illuminates the Night on August 19, 2024

The phases of the moon captivate observers with their fascinating astronomical behaviors and serve as rich sources of thought and interpretation in Astrology. Among the nine phases – New, Waxing Crescent, 1st Quarter Half, Waxing Gibbous, Full, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter Half, Waning Crescent, and Balsamic – the New and Full Moons command the most attention. This article will examine the Sturgeon Full Moon and discuss the emotional “harvest” you should gather during this lunar phase.

Sturgeon Full Moon – Reap What You Have Sown!

The Sturgeon Full Moon for August will occur on the 19th at 27 degree and 15 minutes in the sign of Aquarius. In my Eastern Standard Time zone it will happen at 2:26 pm.


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It takes 29.5 days from one Full Moon to the next, spending approximately 2 and ½ days in a sign. The day before and the day after comprise the peak time of the Full Moon energy. The Full Moon is the time of “the harvest”. What began with the New Moon reaches its full potential before waning, fading, and preparing for a new cycle.

The Moon for August is the “Sturgeon Moon,” named after the large fish that are commonly caught during this time. Other names include the “Corn Moon,” marking the ripening of corn. There is the the “Grain Moon,” reflecting the time of grain harvest. As well as the “Barley Moon,” signifying the harvesting of barley. And finally, the “Wort Moon,” referring to the herbs gathered for medicinal purposes. These names originate from various cultures, celebrating the agricultural and natural events of the season.

Several special types of Full Moons exist: The Blood Moon occurs during a total lunar eclipse. A Supermoon occurs when the Moon is full and closest to the Earth. The Blue Moon, often referred to as “once in a blue moon,” is the second Full Moon in a calendar month. It occurs once every 2 and ½ years. Or, the Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in the same astrological sign.

Full Moon in Aquarius – Emotional Revelation and Innovation

This Sturgeon Full Moon will take place in the 3rd decan (last 10 degrees) of Aquarius, making it an Aquarius/Libra Moon. Therefore, the planetary influence involves Uranus, the ruler for Aquarius, and Venus, the ruler of Libra. During the Full Moon in Aquarius/Libra, the desire to explore and expand in matters of the heart gains intensity. Aquarius’s influence encourages innovation, freedom, and progressive thinking. Libra’s influence encourages harmony, relationships, and balanced communication.

We need to strive for emotional maturity, seeking originality and meaningful connections. This lunar phase prompts us to navigate through emotional challenges with open-mindedness and emerge stronger. As we embrace Aquarius’s energy, we open ourselves to innovation and independence in love.

With this Full Moon at 27d15m, the Sabian Symbol is 28 Aquarius, “A tree felled and sawed.” Marc Edmund Jones says, “This is a symbol of the employment of a lesser reality for the development and sustainment of a greater, and of the individual’s ability in a crisis to center his attention on the pressing functions and necessities of a very practical well-being. Here is the human spirit’s joy in energy expended and satisfaction in the efficient use of skills and material, with its experience poised in the fluidity of its self-expression.” The key word is: IMMEDIACY.


The Number of This Sturgeon Full Moon

This Full Moon will occur on 08/19/2024, which totals 26, which reduces to 8. In numerology, the number 8 represents power, ambition, and material success. It embodies a balance of all previous numbers’ experiences and energies, symbolizing achievement and authority. Under the number 8, we possess a strong drive for status and financial prosperity. We aim to attain personal growth and contribute to the greater good, reflecting a deep understanding of life’s responsibilities.

In numerology, when a Full Moon occurs on the 19th day, it totals 10, which reduces to the number 1. One symbolizes individuality, leadership, and new beginnings. Hence, the number 1 urges us to assert our independence, take initiative, and embrace fresh starts. This energy inspires us to trust our instincts, pursue our goals, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. As a result, use this time to cultivate confidence and connect with our inner strength.

The Full Moon and Your Sun Sign

During a Full Moon, the energy aligns with the zodiac sign it occurs in, influencing individuals of each sign emotionally. This alignment triggers a range of feelings, from a sense of culmination to heightened emotions and a call to action. Therefore, it prompts reflection on the sign’s associated areas of life, fostering self-awareness, release, and initiation of new endeavors. How the Full Moon aspects natal planets in a birth chart influence individual feelings for each of us.

  • Aries: The Aquarius Full Moon inspires Aries to pursue groundbreaking ideas and embrace unconventional approaches for growth.
  • Taurus: This Full Moon encourages Taurus to rethink financial strategies and explore innovative ways to enhance stability.
  • Gemini: The Aquarius Full Moon prompts Gemini to dive into new intellectual pursuits and embrace progressive communication.
  • Cancer: This Full Moon motivates Cancer to explore unconventional family dynamics and seek unconventional solutions for home matters.
  • Leo: The Aquarius Full Moon fuels Leo’s creativity, urging them to showcase unique talents and embrace original projects.
  • Virgo: This Full Moon drives Virgo to adopt innovative health routines and explore unconventional skills to be of service to others.
  • Libra: The Aquarius Full Moon stimulates Libra to focus on unique relationship dynamics and strive for social balance.
  • Scorpio: This Full Moon encourages Scorpio to embrace transformative changes and explore unconventional paths for deep emotional exploration.
  • Sagittarius: The Aquarius Full Moon inspires Sagittarius to expand horizons through unusual, breakthrough experiences and embrace progressive beliefs.
  • Capricorn: This Full Moon urges Capricorn to innovate in career and embrace revolutionary approaches to achieve professional goals.
  • Aquarius: The Aquarius Full Moon empowers Aquarius to realize personal visions, assert individuality, and lead with innovative ideas.
  • Pisces: This Full Moon prompts Pisces to explore creative projects and spiritual practices with an visionary, idealistic, and forward-thinking approach.

If you were born during a Sturgeon Full Moon, you will feel every Sturgeon Full Moon in some significant way. Because, it aligns with your birth Moon phase. It’s worthwhile to find out the Moon phase at your birth. Learning your birth Moon phase will reveal that the same phase each month strongly impacts your emotional state.

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