Numerology is the study of numbers as meaningful constructs related to human consciousness. Numbers occupy our lives in many ways, starting with number values associated with the letters of words, especially our names.
We have the numbers for our birthday, month, and year. Most countries have a number sequence for citizens (in the United States, it is the 9-digit Social Security Number or SSN). Most of us have a phone number; if we drive a car, we have a number plate. Each word and sequence of numbers can be reduced to a number between 1 and 9, and each of those numbers has spiritual meaning.
This article will explore the number compatibility and love between your number and of another person.
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The Two Numbers for Your Compatibility Number
There are two key numbers for each of us. The single-digit number of our birthday and the single-digit number of our full, birth certificate name. It is rather easy to calculate your life path number; it is simply the total of your birthday reduced to a single digit. In my case, I was born on 04/12/1968, which equals 31, which reduces to a 4. My life path is about working hard, establishing a solid foundation, and staying within my limits.
My full name number comes up to 111 using Pythagorean numerology, which reduces to a 3, which is the number for communication, creativity, and perspective. Together, my name and birth date come up to be 7, which is the Mystic, and my compatibility number.
Compatibility and Love
All numbers can love each other, but some numbers have to work harder to find compatible connections. This work can be invigorating or frustrating, just like an ease in compatibility can be comforting or boring.
In most cases, where numbers are concerned, the same number creates certain ease between two people that does not always bear out with other esoteric systems. It is generally true that in zodiac sign compatibility two Aries will mesh well, even when they are competing, perhaps, especially if they are competing. But two Pisces can easily drown one another. However, two of the same number gives flow to the people involved.
Interpreting the Numbers for Love
Below is a short, quick interpretation for each number
1 = let me be me and I will love you forever
2 = if you show me we are in this together, I will love you forever
3 = talk to me and listen to me and I will love you forever
4 = if you help me feel safe and secure, I will love you forever
5 = if we can go on adventures together, I will love you forever
6 = I will help you if you will help me, and I will love you forever
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7 = if you believe what I believe, I will love you forever
8 = help me achieve and I will love your forever
9 = if you know we are here to love everyone, I will love you forever
There are 81 combinations because you can have a lover that is a 1 while you are a 9, then a lover that is a 9 and you are a 1. Below is a table summarizing the combinations for the lover to lover.
You ► Them ▼
Love at first sight!
I can be the lover you want
I can understand you
Let me provide for you in love
I will show you the world with my love
My love will help you help others
You are my soul mate
My love is here to help you be your best self
My love is a sacrifice to you
Let me win your love
We are in this love together
I can learn how to be your ideal partner
Let me provide for us in love
We will share our love with the world
Helping others with you is love for me
We are soul mates
My love will power our relationship
My love is a sacrifice to us
I want to know your love
Let me help you communicate your love
Love is the work I want to do with you
Help me work on our love
Let our work in the world increase our love
I understand that service and work anchor our love
We can work to become soul mates
My love will show you what you need to do
My love needs your hard work to be in this life together
I can keep you safe and love you
Let me know what you need to feel safe and loved
I can learn what you need to feel safe and loved
The more security we create the stronger our love
You are the lighthouse of my love
The more we share our love with others the safer we will be
Let us fix our soul mate connection with this lifetime of love
My love and power help us build a strong foundation
My love is deep well for you to draw from
I will show you the places I love
Let me share the adventure of your love
Tell me where you want to go and I will go with you
Let me provide what you need to adventure in our love
Our love is a non-stop adventure
People in the world need our love
Our love is a spiritual and physical adventure
My love and power will take us around the world
My love wants to go where you go
I can help you so you can love me
Who do you need me to help to show you my love
Tell me how to help so I can love you
I will support your passion for service to show my love
Let our love help people around the world
Our love heals us and everyone near us
How can our love serve others spiritually
With our love and power, we can do worldly good
My love wants to support your service to others
I want to believe what you believe about love
Love is a wonderful belief to share
Teach me what you believe so I can know your love
Let me help you get what you need for your path to show my love
I will take you to all the spiritual places to show my love
I will show my love by helping you spread your message
Our love teaches us spiritually in profound ways
My love and power will help you achieve your vision
My love wants to be part of your vision
I will love that you are powerful
I will prove how valuable I am so you can love me
Tell me your ambitions and my love will support you
I will be the foundation of love you need to succeed.
I will help you conquer the world with my love
I support your power as the love we can use to help others
My love is here to spiritually charge your power
We love being a power couple
My love supports you through and through
I have loved you for many lifetimes
I will love you until the end of time
Tell me how our love is eternal
I love to protect you
I will take you to the hidden places to show you my love
Our love is a spiritual medicine for us and those around us
Our love transcends this incarnated life
My love and power will help you achieve your dreams
I am a spiritual adviser based in Cumming, Georgia, serving clients both locally and worldwide. With a background in academics and a Ph.D. in English from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, I bring a unique blend of knowledge and intuition to my practice. After a fulfilling career in academia, I transitioned into the role of a stay-at-home father in 2007. In 2013, I established Black Unykorn Enterprises, LLC, offering spiritual guidance and support to individuals seeking insight and clarity on their life's journey. My services encompass various tools, including astrology, tarot/oracle cards, numerology, and past life regression utilizing muscle testing. I am dedicated to providing personalized sessions that empower and guide my clients towards their highest potential.
Conveniently equipped with a home office and utilizing platforms like Zoom and WhatsApp, I offer virtual sessions for local clients and for those around the world. Distance is not a barrier to the transformative experiences and guidance I provide. To learn more about my practice and explore how I can assist you on your spiritual path, I invite you to visit my website at There, you will find detailed information about my services and a contact form to initiate a conversation.