5555 Angel Number provides us with specific spiritual insight and guidance. These numbers may appear to us at certain moments in our lives to deliver a message.
The message of this Angel numbers may be on the right path and heading in the right direction. The message will align with the ascended master connected to the number.
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Besides the 9 Archangels who provide special links to the divine energy of God, there are 9 Angelic Orders, also represented by repeating angel numbers, this time in quadruplicity.
They are ranked lowest to highest, in terms of their “proximity” to God.
Virtues, the 5th Order
Virtues are five Orders from God and five Orders from humanity. These angels are known as the “Brilliant Ones” or “Shining Ones” and perform blessings and miracles on earth.
They help support your faith and want you to be aware of the importance of living a spiritual life on the earthly plane. The appearance of this number reminds you to act and be virtuous.
They, along with the remaining four orders, represent ideals or roles reflected in humanity and do not intend to connect with humanity in the way the first three orders can and will.
If you see 5555, then you need to consider one or more of the 7 Heavenly Virtues and how one, some, or all apply to your life now, in a relationship, situation, or regarding a choice.
The 7 Heavenly Virtues are:
and Prudence.
We are here to promote and uphold these virtues as yet another way to connect with the divine and the spirit of God.
The 7 Heavenly Virtues stand against the 7 Deadly Sins (Lust, Wrath, Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, and Sloth). The first three of the Heavenly Virtues (Faith, Hope, and Charity) represent spiritual virtues, while the last four (Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, and Prudence) represent natural virtues.
Faith is the belief in positive actions, behavior, and outcomes. “I have faith in my friend to do what is right for his mother.” “Her kind actions restored my faith in humanity.” “Have faith, your struggles now will bring rewards later.”
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If 5555 appears, check your faith. Have you lost faith? Or do you still believe that good is possible, that right will prevail, and a virtuous life is better than a prideful or lustful one? You may be facing a test of faith when this number appears. What is being tested?
How are you being tested? Look at this virtue in your life and ask the Virtues to send you a sign, if you need one, to help restore or support your faith.
Hope means you take a positive view of the future and believe in good outcomes. “When hope is all there is, that is enough.”
Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest.
The soul, uneasy, and confin’d from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.
(Alexander Pope)
“Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.”
If 5555 appears, check your hope. Do you feel hopeful or hopeless? Has your heart hardened with cynicism or is there still joy in your soul? You may be facing a test of hope when this number appears.
Where have you lost hope and need to regain it? Where in the world or among whom could your hope be most needed? Look at this virtue in your life and ask the Virtues to send you a sign, if you need one, to help restore or support your hope.
Charity is active help you give to others in need without expecting compensation in return. If 5555 appears, consider your efforts at the charity. Do you have enough abundance to be charitable or do you need the charity of others to make it through this time in your life?
It is a great virtue to share your abundance to those in need, who are also appreciative, and can one day rise past their need to be charitable to others. Look at this virtue in your life and ask the Virtues to send you a sign, if you need one, to help reinforce your understanding of charity.
Fortitude is courage in the face of adversity; never giving up! If 5555 appears, you may be in a situation that requires your fortitude. Oftentimes life is about enduring, and we need the fortitude to get through difficult times.
You do not find fortitude at the height of your success, but rather in the face of setbacks, defeat, or loss. Look at this virtue in your life and ask the Virtues to send you a sign, if you need one, to help reinforce your fortitude.
Justice is the quality of being fair and reasonable in your interactions with others. If 5555 appears, consider a situation where you need to act justly or receive just treatment. Divine Justice focuses on what is right without emotion and desire.
There is a correct answer, that is fair, and should apply in all cases at all times. Look at this virtue in your life and ask the Virtues to send you a sign, if you need one, to help you know how to choose and act in a just way.
Temperance is moderation in action, thought, and feeling. If 5555 appears, where in your life do you need temperance? Do you feel anxious, unbalanced, or frustrated?
Temperance, as a Heavenly Virtue, is a state of being where you remain calm in the face of adversity and act as a calming influence on others. Look at this virtue in your life and ask the Virtues to send you a sign, if you need one, to help restore or maintain your temperance.
Prudence is the ability to govern and discipline yourself with reason. If 5555 appears, be prudent with your choices and actions. The prudent person is not afraid to act or risk, he or she will do so thoughtfully, not recklessly.
Prudent behavior gives you the ability to move forward in life safely, but forward nonetheless. Look at this virtue in your life and ask the Virtues to send you a sign, if you need one, to help you be prudent in a relationship or area of your life where you feel out of control or reckless.
Calling on the Virtues
You can request energy from the Virtues when you know you need help acting virtuously and with integrity. The energy of the Order provides CLARITY, which is why they are so powerful. Their help can bolster you to be the best version of yourself in this lifetime.