March 29, 2025
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Has Your Ex Moved On? Let Tarot Reveal the Truth

Are you wondering if your ex has truly moved on? This tarot reading will help you uncover the answer. We’ll explore this through three piles, each with a main oracle card that reflects a significant theme. Important theme that will help understand the relationship or your ex’s emotions.

Before choosing a pile, take a moment to think of a specific ex. It could be the one that got away or the one you can’t stand. If another ex comes to mind unexpectedly, trust the spirit guides. Every message arrives in divine timing for a reason. Now, let’s dive in to see what the cards have to say.

Pile 1: True Love – True love appears when you least expect it.

This person has experienced many emotional revelations because of you. The relationship was intense, almost bipolar at times. You shared both similarities and stark differences, which created a mix of deep love and significant conflict. The 5 of Wands represents ongoing tension, while The Lovers highlights the love. I see important decisions you both had to face.

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The main card, 4 of Swords (reversed), shows they’ve moved beyond the stage of negativity. That stage of laying in bed, consumed by negative thoughts of you. They are no longer weighed down by the pain and mood swings caused by the breakup. Instead, they reflect on the positive aspects of your relationship and process what was previously repressed.

There’s still a lot of untangled emotional energy between you. They’ve found something—perhaps a realization or new perspective—that helps them work through their feelings. They are now grateful for the experience they had with you.

The Death (reversed), Judgement, and 8 of Pentacles indicate that they don’t want things to be entirely over. They hope to share unresolved emotions and maintain some form of connection. They recognize the lessons you taught them and know you wanted the best for them.

For some of you, this is an ex you haven’t spoken to in years. For others, it’s someone you recently broke up with. Either way, this person has grown emotionally since the breakup. They wish to reconnect in some way, even if only to share what they’ve learned and find closure.

Pile 2: Acceleration – Speed up and chase the results you want.

This person believes it was better for you to split up. However, they may have rushed to end the relationship without fully understanding their emotions. The 8 of Cups suggests they’ve emotionally detached, cutting themselves off from their feelings.

They avoided addressing their faults and the relationship’s challenges. Instead, they focused on external goals or priorities. A third party or their own ambitions may have interfered, creating a wedge between you. After conflicts, they avoided discussions and saw emotional detachment as a way to improve things.

They repressed growth opportunities and ignored important details you brought up. The World card suggests that you’ve learned and evolved from the breakup. They, however, remain stuck in old patterns, refusing to process the lessons of the relationship.

You’ve grown emotionally and learned to nurture yourself (Queen of Cups), while they’ve focused solely on mental detachment. In their mind, they’ve moved on and manifest this outwardly. Emotionally, however, they’re still stuck in unresolved feelings and unable to truly grow.

Pile 3: Connection – Your connection is eternal and unbreakable.

This person hasn’t moved on but feels incapable of reconciliation. Both of you sense the unbreakable bond, but neither could resolve the conflicts that arose. This connection feels more like a soulmate bond than a twin flame.

They believe circumstances, rather than choices, kept you apart. External influences may have played a role in making you question your relationship. They struggled to balance the intensity and felt conflicted about what to choose.

They still think about the breakthrough they needed to achieve with you but couldn’t reach. The missed opportunity feels like an emotional block. They see the connection as being on hold or out of reach, unsure how to manifest the necessary changes.

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The Death (reversed) card confirms they haven’t let go of the past. They feel stuck in old emotions but are unable to move forward because they can’t accept that the relationship ended. To grow, they need to let go of the past and embrace transformation.

This person sees you as a key part of how they understand love. They feel lost without the connection and know they need to heal emotionally before they can make better decisions in the present.

4. Reflect and Detect

These readings offer insight into your ex’s emotional state and growth (or lack of it) since the breakup. Now, take a moment to reflect on the messages. Have you healed from the negative impact of the relationship? Did you work on improving the qualities you discovered about yourself during that time?

Consider this: Do you still attract people who lead you into the same repeating cycles? Even if they were the ones who messed things up, have you recognized the role you played in attracting this person into your life?

Are you strong enough to let them go without remorse? Do you love yourself enough to not want back the one who actually hurt you?

I believe you are capable of breaking free and moving forward. Take it one step at a time. Be emotional and stay true to your values, but remember that the universe often works in mysterious ways. Life is both a journey of the heart and a game that sometimes requires strategy.

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