The Chinese New Year always starts at the time of the first new Moon in Aquarius. This new year begins on Friday 29 January 2025 and will be the year of the Wood Snake. Feng shui is very closely overlapped with Chinese Astrology. The feng shui year ahead is very linked to the symbolism of the Wood Snake.
The year of the Wood Snake
People born during the year of the snake (2013–2014, 2001–2002, 1989–1990, 1977–1978, 1965–1966, 1953–1954) are intelligent, analytical, strategic and wise. They are also very intuitive, observant and like to think before they speak or act.
These traits will be the focal point of the year ahead. This will be a great year to develop intellect, be more observant and pay heed to your intuition. Actions which serve emotional and physical health throughout this year are important and will be required for balance. Observing your feelings at the beginning of each day will help you start start your day calmly.
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The element of wood is creative, favours new growth and development and links to great imagination and foresight. Wood is a slow burning element which is well represented by the Oak Tree, showing; balance, longevity, beauty and resilience.
Combining these areas we see the year ahead will be a great year for artistry and personal development. In all areas a slow steady and measured approach will prove beneficial. Also being in touch with our intuition will help us to stay in balance and present.
This year making plans before we act will bring great results. A slow steady approach mirrors the process of conscious manifestation. So, 2025 can be a prime year for implementing new manifestation techniques. Also, for learning to integrate long terms goals to daily thoughts and belief practise, day-to-day.
Looking for love in 2025?
For those looking for love in 2025, the slow approach will be the most fruitful. Oftentimes the best relationships begin with friendship. Broadening social circles and branching into areas of interest will be a joyful way to connect to people.
Instead of online dating or wild nights out as a strategy to meet new people, consider a slow approach. For instance, getting more involved in crafts, hobbies and community projects which are of interest to you. Great love can be a meeting of the minds, this year finding people with common interests could lead to love!
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Remember it’s not what somebody looks like that makes your heart fill with love and comfort, it’s how you feel when you are in their presence, and relax into their embrace. True compatibility is how you feel with the person when your eyes are shut!
This is a great year for past loves to find one another again. As there will be a slower tone to the year, many will be reminiscing about happy days. Meditating on romantic memories will reveal connections that remain in the heart. Usually where love still exists it is felt by both parties. This year will be a good year to check in those you still care deeply for. Some old lovers will reunite! Soulmates will be able to feel each other in 2025, especially if they have already met. New soulmates may be encountered too, it proves to be a deeply romantic year for those seeking true love!
Finances for 2025 – Feng Shui Insights
We are looking at the slow, steady approach of building money. The wealthiest people are often the stealthiest with low risk profiles (or certainly those who remain wealthy are!).
Taking a slower approach to new business ideas and inventions inventions will pay off more in the long run. Set some time aside to write that business plan and mark out clear development stages of a new project. Investing any extra income into slow burn investment streams will be favoured in 2025.
You don’t need to have an amazing head for figures to develop great financial prosperity. It’s important to examine your true thoughts and feelings towards money. Often old beliefs can be what’s restricting financial wealth. Looking deeply into your true feeling about money to identify blocks will help. Also ensuring that you’re not approach your finances with desperation or a place of need.
Neediness as an energy notoriously pushes everything from us, as it is a stagnant vibration. To be open to the flow of income, a softer, more faith based mindset will need to be developed.
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This inner work can take time, and it will take practice. Starting to set a few minutes aside each morning for positive affirmations will help. Try to allow some reflection or meditation time also. Physical exercise and scheduling time for FUN will help manifest wealth too. As always eating fresh non-processed food is good for the mind, vitality and all areas of life.
It is your time to create a more fluid and fortuitous financial profile. This is the year to embrace a new approach! Step forward and soar!
For good energy, clear entrances and walkways in homes are essential. So make some time for an early Spring clean in 2025 to ensure that the basic feng shui principles are acknowledged.
A new Moon (as the start of the year on 29 January) is always the best time of the month for cleaning. Also, remember snakes do shed their skins! Starting this new year, by shedding anything that the home no longer needs, will be very energetically beneficial.
To reflect the ‘wood’ element, addition new plants to your home will encourage growth and fresh energy. Thee jade / money plant is very favoured in feng shui. Ensuring your home has at least one of these will attract more wealth and luck! Jade plants are most prosperous in the South East corner of your home or room.
If you have enough direct sunlight in a porch, conservatory or even bathroom, adding a citrus plant is fortuitous also.
Overall 2025 will be a slow steady year which will favour study, personal development and slow year projections. It will be a great year for love but patience and faith will be required too.
Fast connections are apt to burn out quickly. Developing love from good friendships or those who have similar hobbies and interests can create lasting, life long bonds this year. Reuniting with old soulmates and creating energy to attract new soulmates will be powerful.
Careers will be solid and productive this year. Ensure you sign up for any training on offer this year. Developing ‘soft skills’ is favoured also, and will add more facets to your work. Ensuring you communicate clearly and with kindness will also gain you more recognition and respect in 2025.
For health, mindfulness is key. Make time for rest and relaxation. Spend time in nature and do more of what you love – it will be very good for your overall health.
If you are fortunate enough to have your own personal green space try to be outdoors daily. If you need to venture to be around plants and trees, do find a way to do so regularly too. Quiet contemplative time is important for health, particularly in 2025. Gardening, making space for more plants and creating ponds are all great for feng shui and mental well-being.
Final thoughts for 2025
Slow exercises like swimming, walking, yoga, tai chi and chi gung are all important. Learning breathwork and meditation will improve all body functions. Remember oxygen is required for all of our body’s cells!
Where there is a focus on the mind and intellect, time away from thinking is very beneficial for health.
As 2025 will be a year to build success steadily and learn new skills. It is important to rest this year also and reflect upon future goals. This is a year for making decisions and taking steps towards a new exciting future.
Learning to manifest and repeat positive affirmations will support these changes. Do ensure that your thoughts and emphasis best align with who you choose to be and what you wish to manifest!
Joëlle has been studying esoteric sciences, divination, the supernatural, and alternative health since her teenage years. Now in her 40s, she has also amassed 20+ years of experience as a pioneering astrologer, psychic and tarot reader. She is also a qualified reiki master, herbalist, and twin flame expert. To find out more about her, or to book a reading contact her at: and as @waxlobster on Instagram.