February 18, 2025
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What Is the 3-6-9 Method and How Can It Change Your Life?

You may have heard about the law of attraction, manifestation, and the 3-6-9 technique. In my case, I hear about them every day on social media! But what is it really? How does it work? And does it truly work? I get confused, and maybe you do too. Let’s take a look at all of this together! First, let’s define the law of attraction and manifestation, then discover the (magical?) 3-6-9 method!

What is the Law of Attraction and Manifestation?

The law of attraction is a very popular concept that suggests our thoughts and emotions influence our reality. In other words: positivity attracts positivity. If I think positively, the world will offer me positive things; if I think negatively, good things won’t come my way.

Manifestation is about hoping to see something happen, then seeing it come to life in reality. Think really hard about your dreams, and they will come true! That’s all I wish for you!

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There are many methods for manifestation: writing your intentions down, creating a vision board, speaking your life as if your wishes have already come true, visualizing the result. The 3-6-9 method is one of them.

What is the 3-6-9 Method?

The Principle of the 3-6-9 Method

The 3-6-9 method is a manifestation technique that involves writing specific affirmations multiple times throughout the day. The method can be summed up in three simple points:

  • 3 times: Write an affirmation three times in the morning to anchor it at the start of the day.
  • 6 times: Write it six times in the middle of the day, in the afternoon, to keep thinking about it.
  • 9 times: Write it nine times in the evening to conclude the day.

The idea is to align thoughts and intentions at different times of the day to maximize their vibrational energy.

Power of Numbers

These numbers are not chosen randomly, as they have strong numerological power. The number 3, for instance, resonates with creativity and the need for personal and collective achievement. By repeating your affirmation three times, you anchor the intention in a creative and authentic way. Then, the number 6 represents strength and the ability to produce something useful for oneself and the world. It is a number of harmony and love, both of which are strong values for realizing desires. Finally, the number 9 symbolizes the end of a cycle and transformation. It also represents wisdom, fulfillment, and is a strong signal for accomplishment, ready to receive what you ask for.

When you understand the meaning behind the 3, 6, and 9, it’s easier to see how Karin Yee (a famous coach) invented this manifestation technique!

For everything you need to know about numbers and their meaning, check this out!


How to Practice the 3-6-9 Method Effectively?

For the 3-6-9 technique to work, you must follow key steps to maximize its effectiveness. Here is a simple guide to incorporate this practice into your daily routine:

Step 1: Define a Wish

First, it’s important to know what you want to manifest. You can ask for something concrete, like changing jobs, receiving a raise, or finding love. But you can also ask for something abstract, like happiness, peace, or self-confidence. The request is yours, but the intention must be clear, specific, and positive.

Step 2: Find the Right Intention

As I just mentioned, your affirmation needs to be clear and precise. You must find a way to express your wish that resonates with both you and the universe. For example, if you want money to flow into your life, you could write: “Every day, money comes to me easily and abundantly.” If you want to see happiness, write: “I am happy, nothing upsets me, everything works perfectly.”

One rule, in my opinion, is impossible to forget: write in the present tense to anchor your request into a reality that already exists, as if your intention has already been realized.

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Step 3: Write the 3-6-9

Now, it’s time to manifest! Every day, you’ll practice the 3-6-9 method.

  • In the morning: Write your intention three times. A great way to start your day!
  • In the afternoon: Write it six times. Don’t forget your goals!
  • In the evening: Write it nine times. End your day beautifully, with your goals in mind for tomorrow!

Step 4: Believe

The 3-6-9 method is a manifestation technique. By thinking about your intention and desires, you are planting the idea of their realization into your brain. With this, you will consciously or unconsciously take actions to achieve it. These could be small actions, like starting to watch movies in French to one day live in a French-speaking country. Or, it could mean daring to wear pink pants to attract creative people and thus open your art studio. There are no limits; you know what you want, and you’ll do whatever it takes to achieve it!

With the law of attraction, you will emit positive energies and attract more of them to you. While you write your intention, feel those energies flying around you, entering you, and into all areas of your life. Smile, be grateful, and live in alignment with your intention.

Believe that the universe is working for you.

Does the 3-6-9 Method Work?

That said, don’t think your life will change overnight just because you’re writing 18 times a day! It could happen, and I hope it does for you, but remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. If, after a few days, you don’t see significant results with the 3-6-9 method, keep going! This is where you shouldn’t give up!

Also, give yourself the means to succeed. Manifestation is primarily a law of action and realization. If you’re not working FOR your intention, nothing will happen! It’s not magic!

The 3-6-9 method is a powerful tool for manifesting your desires and creating a reality aligned with your dreams. By using repetition and intention, you send a clear message to the universe and your subconscious. Remember, the most important thing is to practice with intention and patience, believing that everything you desire is already on its way.