March 25, 2025
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The Magic of Cats: Felines as Mystical Protectors and Spiritual Guides

Cats have procured a powerful reaction from humans for centuries and to this day they are loved and loathed in equal measure. Perhaps the negativity they evoke links to a fear of one’s own spiritual nature and limited time on earth…

History of cats

The first links found between humans and cats dates back around 10,000 years. Evidence implies that when we settled and began arable farming, we started to store large quantities of grain. This attracted rodents and was problematic, as rat waste has always caused disease in humans.

Cats, with their immense hunting skills, came to the rescue and started to kill the rodents. This provided a great source of food for them, and a healthier food store for humans.

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Bonds were formed and cats started to co-habit with humans. By the time of Ancient Egypt they had become revered in line with the Gods. They were said to magical, lucky talismans, bestowing fortune and protection to those with whom they lived.

Where the Egyptians correct?

Cats in the modern Europe

The Romans revered cats as representatives of their goddess Diana and believed them to be symbols of liberty. As free felines they were used as travel companions for their hunting skills, and arrived in the UK on the boats when the Romans invaded.

It’s clear that strong bonds were created with humans and cats across Europe and this continued. However there are many periods were cats were demonised. Some tried to control them and when they failed would punish or maim the cats.

From the 15th century as Europeans became increasing paranoid about witchcraft and devil worship, cats fell fowl to these accusations also.

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When cats were killed during the Black Death in 1666-7 the plague worsened. Cats would have managed the spread of the illness, and humans paid the price of their ill-conceived choice…

The link between witches and cats is perhaps a natural one, since witches were mostly women who are connected to nature. As cats are also.

Are cats magical

Cats in fact, do connect naturally to the spirit world. All of nature is energy, and even matter is the vibration of atoms which are connected energetically. Cats are naturally able to see, feel and hear all energy and this includes the realms that we humans cannot.

Cats often stare at a spot which seems empty and are likely observing energy accumulations, or a spirit passing through that we are unable to perceive.

Also, cats can see the aura energy which emits from our bodies and extends our eyes. When our energy is focused in a certain direction, a cat companion will usually place themselves in the direction of that energy. This may be a screen that we are staring at, a game we are playing, or the centre of a conversation with another.

Cats like to bask in this energy, just as they seek the warmth of a fire or the rays of the sun. Where a cat choose to lay will connect to where the warmth is in temperature, or in energy.

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Cats will gravitate to people with loving heart and they are very good at gauging who they can trust! If they move in the path of your gaze or focus, they love the vibration you emanate.

Fear of cats

Those who fear cats are, in a sense, fearing their own nature and spirituality. By fearing the all seeing feline creatures, they are connecting to a need a control and manage everything in their vicinity. A cat represents freedom and truth, so those who wish to control those close to them will be uncomfortable with these traits.

Cats live in the moment and are aware of their surroundings, even when they appear to be sleeping. Those who fear their own nature can sense that cats see and understand them on an intrinsic level.

Is fear of cats a sign of a guilty conscience? A sign of somebody who fears their own mortality? Or does it show somebody who wishes only to own and control those they are close to?

Those who love dogs but hate cats may just be those who wish to be loved unconditionally….by giving nothing in return. Cats expect respect, play, communication and kindness. They love fully, but only those with whom they resonate.

How to connect to cats

If you love cats you will know that they understand most of what you say to them. You may also have learned how to listen to them and connect to their needs and deep wisdom.

Cats almost always love soft melodic music and harmonious environments. They don’t enjoy sudden movements, noises or angry energy fields. If your home is not a calm one, the cat will find another place to call home.

If you wish to make a haven for your cat, allow your body clocks to align naturally. Provide freedom and outdoor space for you cat and make sure you talk to it a lot. If they love you they will love the sound of your voice. They will sleep next to you, massage you (some call it ‘making biscuits’) and communicate with you.

Even a cats who have had traumatic younger lives will respond well to love, music and communication. Cats are not solitary animals, they seek companionship and hate to be alone. This why they will wonder to another home if they are not given the interaction they need at home.

They love to live with other cats and tend to form packs when they congregate as strays. If you want cats but have a busy life, adopt more than one, preferably siblings. Cats hate change, so an unexpected introduction to another animal in the home, may not be so well received.

Cats and emotions

Cat nervous systems are very close to our own. They feel many of the same emotions as humans and whilst they can kill on a whim with no remorse, they do feel great love.

In a conducive environment where the cat is respected and allowed freedom, a cat will form great love bonds. Those who believe cats are disloyal, have not learned the language of cats. A happy cat is extremely loyal and, loving and faithful. They may make friends with other humans but they love powerfully.

Cats grieve for humans and cat companions, just as we do. They also worry about their humans, and miss them when they are away.</p>

Cats can experience embarrassment if you laugh at them, but if they intend you to laugh they love to bring you laughter and joy. In fact cats often seek to make their human companions laugh and appreciate it greatly, if you take time to play with them every day.

Cats as guardians

If a cat loves you, it will seek to protect you at all times. It will guard you as you sleep and it will watch over your home.

I used to meditate outdoors in the sun and I would open my eyes to find my three cat friends all sat around me, in protective mode.

A cat will often sleep between you and the door or the window, and sometimes they may be nervous when you sleep and poke you to ensure you’re still alive. We sleep more deeply than them and it can spook them.

When a cat catches prey for a human, it does so as a contribution to the family. When a cat rubs it’s face against you it marks you as it’s territory and when a cat lies with it’s belly exposed it tell you that it trusts you completely.

Cats guard you from negative energy around your home all the time and they will often prefer to be awake while you sleep to ensure you are safe.

Emotional Support Cat

Cats and spirituality

You know, cats can see the spirit world and they can also sense when we are unwell. Their amazing sense of smell will be able to tell you if your health is out of balance. They will also tell you if need to know or learn something.

Watch closely, if a cat asks you to follow them, or suddenly touches a part of your body frequently, take note and be mindful.

Cats are sometimes sent to us by the spirit world and come to us as messengers. They can convey love from our ancestors and soulmates on the other side and may be sent to protect us.

A black cat crossing your path is always a sign of protection. Just as a cat encounter on a walk is an acceptance that your energy and your path are aligned.

A cat companion is a magical gift and often occurs as a kismet synchronous experience. If a cat choose you then it is meant.

If you wish to adopt a cat, choose the one which looks deeply into your eyes and moves towards you. It’s fine to go looking for a cat but allow the cat to make the choice. They know and see more than we can and they will be our loyal, mystical protectors if they choose us as their divine companions.

By observing and learning from your cat friends, you will become more in tune and connected to your own soul journey.

Cats are our guides, our protectors and those who revere and love them are rewarded in karma.