March 25, 2025
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Star Trek Character You Are According to Your Zodiac Sign

Which Star Trek Character You Are According to Your Zodiac Sign

Star Trek is one of the greatest television and cinematic franchises in history, filled with many iconic characters who exhibit the strongest traits of particular Zodiac signs. This article will connect your Zodiac sign with the Star Trek character who best exemplifies the qualities of each sign. Considering there have been seven television shows, this article will only draw characters from the original show and the Next Generation (2nd series).

Aries – Worf

Rugged, loyal, and fearless are all adjectives for Aries and Worf. He makes the perfect head of security on the Enterprise. And if ever there was an alien species that embodied the greatness and shadow of Aries, it would be the Klingons. Great in a fight, relentless, and a warrior; who better to represent the first sign of the Zodiac.

Taurus – Commander William T. Riker

William T. Riker is the loyal and reliable second in command aboard the Enterprise in the Next Generation series. He also exudes the charm and charisma of a Taurus in all his dealings with the crew, other aliens, and his lovers, until he settles down with Counselor Deanna Troi. He is the “down to earth” friend to Captain Picard. Also he is also the physical embodiment of the sign, imposing and standing above everyone but Worf. He is the steadfast companion who will never leave your side.

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Gemini – Data

The android Data embodies the curiosity of Gemini, and has a limitless capacity to learn. And like curious Gemini, he finds himself in all kinds of unexpected situations. He is the ultimate communicator because he has access to all the languages of the known universe and the ability to interact with any computer system.

Cancer – Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy

“Bones” McCoy is the ships doctor in the original series, a perfect role that represents Cancer’s caring and nurturing energy. He is also pretty “crabby” and cantankerous, which is also a personality trait of Cancer. Always concerned with the welfare of others, and filled with strong opinions, McCoy is an ideal character to portray Cancer energy.

Leo – Captain James T. Kirk

Captain Kirk, from the original series, is a swashbuckler and a leader for others, making him more Leo than Aries. Leo enjoys the stage and being front and center. Kirk basks in his role as the ship’s captain in Star Trek, and his suave nature makes him a perfect representative for the fixed fire sign of the Zodiac. He also has a playful nature and great sense of humor, especially in tense situations, when the fate of the universe is up for grabs.

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Virgo – Montgomery “Scotty” Scott

Scotty is the starship’s engineer in the original series. He is the ultimate problem-solver, keeping the engines running and making sure the Enterprise gets where it needs to go, sometimes using “duct tape and string.” He has a brilliant mind, which he uses to make sure the captain and the crew get where they need to go as smoothly and safely as possible.

Libra – Counselor Deanna Troi

Deanna Troi is the ship’s counselor and half-Betazoid, which means she can read people’s emotions. While she cannot do it at the same level as her mother, a full-Betazoid, she can combine her ability with her sharp and analytical mind to help members of the crew deal with their various challenges. She is also the ideal counselor for Captain Picard, always able to provide steady and balanced feedback in good times and during a crisis.

Scorpio – Guinan

Guinan is a mystery character for most of the show, and the truth of her origin only comes to light over time, and in bits and pieces. Working as the bartender for the ship, she is clearly more than she seems when she has her interactions with Picard and the other crew members, much like a Scorpio would. She is wise, and powerful, and even someone to be cautious around.

Sagittarius – Captain Jean Luc Picard

At the heart of Picard’s character is a desire to see the galaxy, to explore and “go where no one has gone before.” Along the way he brings his crew through one amazing journey after another. His desire for adventure, and a cause greater than himself (Starfleet), are perfect qualities for a Sagittarius. From modest beginnings to greatness, Picard charges into the unknown with a sense of destiny.

Capricorn – Geordi La Forge

Geordi is the engineer for the Enterprise in the Next Generation series. He turns his disability, blindness, into an incredible asset with the technology of his visor. He is a relentless problem-solver and high achiever, just like a healthy Capricorn would be. His contribution to the design, development, and improvements of the ship make him a great representative for the cardinal earth sign.

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Aquarius – Spock

Aquarius is often the unique member of a group who struggles to fit in, but is also the essential glue that holds a “tribe” together. Another character with a mixed heritage (half-human and half-Vulcan, similar to Deanna Troi, who is half-human and half-Betzoid), Spock embodies the logical and scientific quality of Aquarius. His struggle with emotions, and preferring not to show them, is another key Aquarian trait.

Pisces – Q

Q is the embodiment of chaos and oneness. As a member of The Q, he is a being of infinite power, playfulness, curiosity, and pettiness. He is, rather, all over the place! So, that makes him a fitting example for Pisces. He provides a test for humanity, with Picard as the primary actor, though he does interact with other Captains in the Star Trek Universe in the later series.

Pictures : Paramount