Reiki for Dogs: General Information, Tips, and Strategies
January 9, 2025 | Danica Jackson
A friend recently asked, “Is reiki for dogs really a thing?” Why yes, it is! In fact, dog reiki is gaining popularity. This makes sense because reiki is all the rage with people right now and dog parents intuitively realize if reiki can help them, it can also help their canine companion(s).
What Is Dog Reiki and Does It Work?
Reiki is a popular form of energy healing, a holistic therapy that is also used as complementary medicine in many hospitals and nursing homes. Reiki is based on ancient “healing touch” techniques. And reiki masters and practitioners recognize that all living forms have interconnected energy, also called qi or chi. This energy connects all the systems in the body and mind. If this energy is unbalanced or clogged, problems can arise physically, mentally, and emotionally. Dogs and humans share this energy and reiki promotes a general feeling of well-being and holistic healing in both species. In fact, many people have come to realize that reiki can strengthen the bond they have with their canine pet.
Reiki can help keep your dog happy and healthy at all stages of dog life, from puppyhood to senior dog. How do we know it works on dogs? We know by observing. In some cases, the effects of reiki on a dog is obvious. For example, observing a lethargic dog, who is refusing to eat or drink, suddenly come to life again and start eating and drinking after a single canine reiki session is proof positive that reiki worked on that dog. While some skeptical people may say, “That’s just a coincidence,” professionals observe this same type of immediate reaction after a reiki session over and over again! Here’s another true-life example. Many dog people have had their vet tell them that they’ve never seen a dog heal so fast after surgery when, unbeknown to the vet making this appraisal, the dog had received reiki after the surgery!
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At other times, the effects of reiki on dogs may be a bit more subtle. For example, you may notice that after a few sessions with a practitioner, your dog becomes more interested in playing frisbee or going on walks like she did when she was younger. A puppy with a nervous pee pee problem may become progressively less inclined to have such accidents as she continues to work with a reiki master and becomes more well-adjusted. You may simply notice your favorite pooch is wagging her tail more and just seems happier all around after reiki. Dogs have their own special ways of communicating and the humans who love them always come to understand that unspoken language… so trust your own gut and powers of observations when determining whether or not reiki has helped your dog.
Most people are as happy to share stories about their dog(s) as they are about their human children! Anecdotal stories abound on the effects of reiki on dogs. It’s all the “gossip” at dog parks and online dog forums. There seems to be a general consensus among dog parents that reiki therapy does indeed improve the overall physical and emotional health of a dog. But what about specific benefits of reiki on a dog?
Below is long list of some of the benefits of dog reiki that dog people seem most enthusiastic about. These are gleaned from devoted dog parents and a variety of dog professionals including dog reiki practitioners, veterinarians, veterinarian assistants, dog trainers, dog rescuers, dog groomers, dog breeders, dog psychologists, dog shelter workers, dog boarders, and other canine experts who have discovered the remarkable benefits of reiki on dogs.
It can heal a traumatized dog after fireworks, a loud alarm, a noisy home repair, and other traumas that seem to linger a long time with dog. Trauma is well known to disrupt the flow and harmony of the energy force in a living body. Trauma also causes energy blockages, sometimes for years! Canine reiki offers the great advantage of retuning the energy in a dog’s body and mind so they can return to their normal happy self.
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Pain, anxiety
Dog reiki can reduce anxiety when visiting the vet, during travel, on the 4th of July when the firecrackers start up, when a new animal enters the household, when unfamiliar humans invade the dog’s territory, or during any other experience that causes anxiety in a dog. However, don’t expect reiki to make your dog stop barking at the postman. LOL 🙂
In people, reiki is well known for reducing pain and stimulating the body to self-heal. This seems to be just as true for dogs. For example, a female dog can be in a lot of pain after she is spayed but reiki can help allay this discomfort, sometimes better than any medication offered by the vet. In fact, reiki performed after any canine surgery or injury can help the healing process go faster. Older dogs often experience arthritis and joint pain. It can lessen the pain of these conditions or any other chronic dog malady causing pain as well.
A short five minute session of dog reiki can be used to calm your dog before you clip her toenails, work knots out of her hair, or give her medicine or first aid. It is interesting to note that the reiki positions taught for calming a dog correspond to dog calming vests and dog anxiety shirts!
When reiki is performed on dogs living in shelters, it is known to calm them. As a result, they have a better chance at being adopted and transitioning into their forever home with no serious problems that could result in them being returned to the shelter.
It can help a skittish puppy or dog feel more comfortable in new surroundings and settle into a new home better. Reiki can also help dogs (and cats) more easily accept a new dog into the family.
Training session
Reiki can be used to put a dog in a better frame of mind before a training session. Going through the motions of training does not work if the dog isn’t responsive or cooperative. Reiki can help the most stubborn dog in this regard!
Reiki can ease the aggressive tendencies that some dogs have while not diminishing their protective instincts you may want in a “guard dog.” Reiki can even improve the intuition a dog has about which people are “good” or “bad.”
If you have a dog that is too hyperactive or who has too much nervous energy, establishing a short daily reiki routine can help manage this and keep it under control. It often works better than dog training or voice commands and it’s most certainly more effective than scolding.
Canine reiki can help sooth doggie emotional issues that may be causing him or her to act out in destructive ways such as mauling the furniture, urinating on the carpet, or chewing your favorite shoes. Reiki = good doggie!
When performed on dogs, it strengthens their immune system, so their bodies are better able to resist disease. You’ll also find their wounds heal faster with reiki, including a “wounded spirit.”
Dog reiki can help a grieving dog cope with a loss. Dogs who lose their human or another member of the household “pack,” such as another dog or a cat, will often show obvious signs of grieving by whimpering, continually looking for the missing family member, becoming lethargic, finicky eating, and bad dreams. If you see signs of grief in your dog, and you can’t cheer her up no matter what you try, you may want to hire a reiki practitioner.
Special bond
Reiki has restorative benefits for service dogs, police dogs, fire dogs, military dogs, and other working dogs. Just like humans, work can make a dog feel more appreciated, but it also carries the burden of higher stress. Reiki can help restore energy to a fatigued work dog at the end of hard day and help them relax in retirement.
If you learn how to perform reiki on your dog, it can strengthen the bond between you and your pooch. There are even amazing anecdotal stories of dogs reciprocating because the same powerful life force energy can be transferred from your dog to you!
Are Dog Reiki Hand Positions Different?
Reiki hand positions for a dog aren’t all that different from the reiki hand positions used on a human. However, if you have a very small dog, you may need to make slight adjustments to accommodate their smaller size. Don’t worry, reiki will still work even if you change up the positions a bit. Reiki hand positions for a dog are based on the dog’s chakra points, just like they are in humans. This allows the dog’s chakras to be rebalanced, harmonized, and energized through reiki sessions.
Like humans, dogs have several major chakras and more than a hundred minor chakras. The number of “minor” chakras varies depending on which expert you talk to and how they identify and define minor chakras. Dogs also have one additional major chakra that people don’t have (although this is up for debate). This additional major dog chakra (the “eighth” major chakra in dogs) is called the “brachial chakra.” It is located at the level of the shoulder blades, one on each side. Dogs also have the same seven major chakras as humans: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root
It’s important to note that the brachial chakra is thought to be key in the dog-human bond. Therefore, if you are experiencing any difficulties bonding with your dog, or simply want to connect even more closely with your dog, you should pay particular attention to the brachial chakra and learn how to harmonize and unblock it. You should also be sure to express your desire for a closer bond with your dog when you consult with a reiki professional.
Most dogs love reiki and respond in a positive way that is obvious. At worst, your dog will be neutral to the experience so you shouldn’t worry about trying reiki on your dog. A reiki practitioner who has worked with dogs will know to let the dog lead in how much they actually want to be touched during a reiki session. Luckily, your dog can receive the benefits of reiki without the reiki practitioner even touching them if your dog is sensitive to having strangers touch them.
Final Notes
If you’re searching for a really good dog sitter, consider looking for one who offers dog reiki. Many dogs experience significant separation anxiety when their human is away. Performing reiki on dogs, even if only for a few minutes per day while you are gone, has been shown to have a calming effect on most dogs. There are also dog boarding places, dog resorts, dog grooming salons, and dog spas that offer reiki for dogs. If your dog has a lot of anxiety when going to the veterinarian or dog groomer, you may also want to search for a place that offers reiki. You could also learn reiki and perform reiki on your dog yourself just before they go into a high anxiety situation.
If you have a neighbor, family member, or friend who checks in on your dog when you’re away, you could either teach them dog reiki yourself, if you already know reiki, or offer to pay for them to take a dog reiki class with you. Most people find reiki a fascinating topic and they may jump at such an opportunity. If you can’t find a reiki class for dogs in your area, look for classes on similar energy modalities like therapeutic touch or healing touch. You can even learn some of the basics of reiki and other touch therapies online for free.
Danica Jackson got her first telescope when she was only nine years old. She's been fascinated with all things celestial ever since. Her studies on history and anthropology give her unique perspectives on astrology and personal growth.