Procrastination: Here’s How I Became the Most Active of My Friends!
February 6, 2025 | Isabella Oracle
Laziness, no courage, no time, I’ll do it tomorrow… or never! These are sentences I’ve said dozens, even hundreds of times. Why do something when you can rest or let others do it for you? It’s much more comfortable and easier! Until the day comes when you have to take responsibility, and suddenly, it becomes much harder to let the days go by on their own. So if you’re in the same situation I was in a few years ago, you’re in the right place! I’m going to share my solutions to procrastination!
Why Do I Procrastinate?
Procrastination is a phenomenon almost everyone faces at some point or another. It can manifest in different ways, whether by putting off an important task or getting distracted by less urgent activities. Yet, procrastination can harm our productivity, well-being, and self-confidence. So, how can we overcome it effectively?
It’s true. Why do we always want to put things off? Before trying to overcome procrastination, it’s essential to understand why it happens. Several factors could be behind it:
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Fear of failure: better to do nothing than to mess up!
Perfectionism: if I can’t do it perfectly, I’d rather not try.
Lack of motivation: just too lazy…
Anxiety: it’s too complicated, it requires too much thought, and I don’t have the physical or mental energy for it…
As for me, I didn’t act because I was afraid of failure. To explain, I’ve always dreamed of publishing a novel or a book on a specific subject. But I couldn’t take action when I saw all these aspiring authors leave their novels in drawers after rejections from publishing houses. If they couldn’t make it, why would I try? I would have been too ashamed to fail, and I would have lost confidence in myself. But one day, I opened my eyes: I couldn’t let my dream slip away because of fear and procrastination. Today, I may not be the greatest novelist of the 21st century, but I write for AskAstrology, and it gives me a powerful sense of fulfillment! Writing about my solutions to procrastination is a bit like breaking the curse and closing the loop.
As we’ve seen, procrastination has many causes, but luckily for me, it has many solutions too! I’m going to share all my secrets!
Break Things Down
I saw myself at the top of the book sales list even before finding the topic for my book, no wonder I was too lazy to start! How could I begin without the book, the outline, the characters, the theme, the genre, or the timeline? I’d do nothing! Yes, one of the main causes of procrastination is the complexity of the task! Sometimes we don’t want to do the dishes even though it’s easy, but let’s not forget we also procrastinate our dreams and truly important things! The next time you’re not motivated to do what matters to you, force yourself first. Then take the time to break the task down into smaller sub-tasks, even smaller sub-sub-tasks. You’ll see more clearly and be able to take action.
A free extra tip: set realistic deadlines! Sometimes procrastination happens when the deadlines are unclear or too far away. When I started writing my novel, I knew it would take several months. A little bit every day, rather than too much all at once: that’s one of the most important solutions to procrastination.
A Task Under 2 Minutes, You Won’t Procrastinate
Once again, you might hate me, but sometimes you need to give yourself a little kick in the butt. I can understand that going grocery shopping across town might make you nauseous. But when it comes to putting away dry dishes or deleting emails that are cluttering your inbox, I say no! If a task takes less than 2 minutes to complete, do it immediately. This could include simple tasks like organizing a document. By completing these small actions right away, you reduce mental load and increase productivity. I’ve often heard that if you start your day by doing simple and quick tasks (like airing the room, making the bed, putting away clothes you don’t wear), you can have a more productive and motivating day! It’s worth trying—it takes less than 2 minutes!
No Distractions, no Procrastination
This is probably the curse of the century: we’re constantly being solicited, distracted, entertained! How can we concentrate with everything going on around us? Phones, social media, music, friends, passersby, everything is an ally of procrastination. And it’s always easier to scroll for an hour like a zombie rather than go for a run or call your grandmother. But do we really enjoy it?
Identify your distractions, the ones that make you say, “I’ve wasted my time,” and fight them! I’m not saying throw your phone away, but become aware of what doesn’t help you move forward. An hour of TikTok now and then can be fun. Ten hours a day is excessive. To help you, you can look for apps that block apps on your phone! Come on, motivate yourself to list your distractions, it’ll make you want to get even more done! Don’t forget: the hardest part is putting on your workout clothes, not doing the workout!
You’re an athlete, a force of nature mentally and physically! You deserve to be in the starting blocks all the time. When you want to do something but just can’t muster the energy, count down in your head. We often talk about the 5-second rule, but you can also say, “Ready, steady, go!”. It’s up to you! You’ll take action immediately, rather than hesitate. It’s one of the great solutions for procrastination!
De-mystify Procrastination
The word “procrastination” can be scary. We feel inadequate next to our friend who runs every morning and reads two books a week while being a new dad. Don’t compare yourself; there’s nothing worse. You need to act for yourself and your goals. I’ve got some last advice for you:
Think about the results: visualize the outcome of the completed task. Of course, it will be more fun to imagine crossing the finish line of a competition than to picture the satisfaction after scrubbing the toilets. But you need to learn to appreciate the small joys! So focus on the benefits rather than the task, and it will make the whole process easier.
Reward yourself: treat yourself after completing certain tasks (relaxing moments, snacks, activities). Rewards create a positive motivation system and strengthen your discipline, like Pavlov’s reflex!
Create your routine: if you lack motivation every day, it can be helpful to have a schedule. This way, you won’t have a choice but to do things, and you’ll be productive. Plus, a framework is reassuring and reduces uncertainty.
Be kind to yourself: don’t turn procrastination into guilt. You’re doing things primarily for yourself. If one day you want to eat pizza instead of going to your Pilates class, why not, as long as it’s within reason! Only you know what’s best for you.
Greetings, dear readers! I'm Isabella, a writer hailing from the charming city of Baltimore. Born on a warm summer's day in 1974, under the nurturing sign of Cancer, I've journeyed through life with a pen in one hand and a heart full of stories. As a proud mother of two brilliant lights, my daughter and son, I weave tales not just from imagination, but from the lived experiences that decorate our daily existence. My writing, a reflection of my soul, aims to simplify the complex and enlighten the curious. Join me as we explore the beauty of words and the power they hold to connect, heal, and reveal the world in new ways.