March 25, 2025
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Ghostly Tenants: How to Tell If Your House Is Haunted

Location, owner, whether buying or selling… Whatever your situation, you’re probably wondering about your (future) home. And it’s true, you’re never really safe from anything, least of all haunted houses! Lights turning off by themselves, shadows walking beside you, a figure that seems to be sitting on your bed… There are many phenomena that might indicate you’re living in a haunted house. Ready for the checklist? Hopefully, you won’t check too many boxes!

Unexplained Noises?

Footsteps above your head, the feeling that music is playing in a room, a door creaking open at night… or other unexplained sounds from your plumbing… All of these could be signs that you are living in a haunted house. Spirits, souls, ghosts, and other entities, like anyone else, make noise while “living.” If you hear sounds that aren’t coming from you or your family… you know where it might be coming from…

How to check? Listen carefully to where the sounds are coming from. A repetitive noise at the same time? A door creaking without explanation? That could be a sign of a supernatural presence.

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Objects Disappearing and Reappearing?

You thought you left the remote on the coffee table, but now it’s under the cushions of the couch. And your lipstick, how did it end up in the freezer? That makes no sense, unless… either you’re absent-minded, or the people you live with don’t put things away, or a mysterious tenant enjoys playing hide-and-seek. It’s worth checking!

How to check? If you notice a specific object disappearing or moving, you can track where it goes. For example, when you turn off the TV, leave the remote on the coffee table and take a photo. If the remote is not there the next day, you might have a question to ask. Haunted house?

Is It Always Cold in a Haunted House?

Not all cold houses are haunted, but all haunted houses are cold! Do you see the difference? The cold might be permanent, like the heaters aren’t working. Or it could be a draft on your back or at your ankles. Sometimes the air even seeps through electrical outlets. These cold drafts are often linked to ghostly appearances.

How to check? First, you can have a specialist come in to check if your heating system is functioning. Let’s be practical! However, if the cold is felt in a specific spot (near an outlet, in a corner, near an old object), that could indicate a meeting place between the living and the dead. It’s up to you if you want to fight it or accept this side of your haunted home…


Lights Turning On or Off for No Reason?

Electricity and current are very sensitive. Yep, when the wind is strong or there’s a thunderstorm, it’s not uncommon for the power to go out or the lights to flicker. So, you can imagine that, when in contact with an invisible entity, it could also have an effect! If your lightbulbs flicker, turn on, or off by themselves without any electrical issue, you might have a special guest in your house.

How to check? Like with the other signs: test it. Call an electrician if necessary. And if everything is in order, it could mean your house is haunted.

Do Electronics Act on Their Own in a Haunted House?

Your alarm goes off even though you turned it off, the radio turns on in the middle of the night, your alarm doesn’t go off. Besides being very annoying, these behaviors are often linked to paranormal manifestations. Unlike technical issues, this could indicate actions from entities in your home. Sometimes, they might want to listen to an old song, or laugh at you being late for work.

How to check? It’s simple—check your devices. Like with objects, take photos when you turn off your alarm or set your clock. You can also reconfigure them to ensure they’re working correctly, or even buy new ones. If it keeps happening, you might be in the haunted home of a spirit who loves technology!


What’s the History of Your Home?

We see it in horror movies: the house is often haunted because of its history. A war, a tragic death, or even mystical rituals might leave a mark or and inhabitants…

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How to check? Look into the history of your house. Sometimes, a quick look at local archives or talking to neighbours can uncover well-kept secrets…

Shadows or Strange Figures?

Do you think you see a figure sitting on your bed when you’re about to sleep? Did you see a shadow moving in the dark? Or, while brushing your teeth, did you catch the eye of an unfamiliar face in the mirror? These apparitions are a major sign of a haunted house. But be careful, unlike the reasons mentioned so far, these are appearances you see, not things that physically happen. So, don’t take them lightly, but don’t overthink them either. Let me explain: if you’re scared, you might imagine a person in front of you. It takes on a human shape for you to see it concretely, and it represents a collection of real fears.

How to check? Don’t rely only on your eyes. Sometimes the lighting or reflections can trick you. But if these apparitions happen often, it’s time to take action! You could burn sage, bring in a ghost hunter, or even consult a mental health professional.


Feeling Watched?

Even when you’re alone, you have the feeling that someone is watching you. Do you check behind doors before turning off the lights or hide when doing certain things? This could mean several things: either a spirit is really there and you’re near an energy well, or, like the previous point, you have a rational fear that is manifesting in an irrational form.

How to check? You can research energy wells or your home’s history. To go further, you can also explore deeper answers to this feeling (lack of self-confidence, fear of judgment, aggression, etc.).

Haunted House: Do You Have All the Signs?

If you’ve experienced several of these situations, it might be time to accept that your house has an invisible guest. But before calling in an exorcist, start documenting everything that’s happening. Maybe science or psychology will offer a more rational explanation, or who knows… maybe a spirit just wants to spend some time with you!