October 15, 2024
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Exploring the Role of Mediums in Healing After Death

Exploring the Role of Mediums in Healing After Death

A medium is a psychic who has honed their extrasensory abilities to connect with spirits in other dimensions. They can perceive thoughts, voices, or impressions from the spirit world, either through feeling or hearing. By attuning themselves to the higher frequencies at which spirits vibrate, mediums can open themselves to these energies. They are mediators, allowing for communication between the physical and spiritual realms. But how can mediums help in the after-death process?

Mediums play a crucial role in delivering messages from departed loved ones, offering comfort and closure to those left behind. They also assist spirits who reach out, guiding them to release heavy energies they have carried from this world. This process aids in the spirit’s rebirth, free from the traumas of their past life. Many people have heard of Ouija boards and often fear them, but the desire to connect with lost loved ones persists.

Signs from the departed can be subtle and difficult to perceive, which is why people seek the help of mediums. A skilled medium can channel these signs and messages, providing insights that can be profoundly healing. Both the living and the dead heal through each other, freeing themselves and growing. Through their gift, mediums can activate a healing process —sometimes healing yourself can also heal a departed family member.

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Today, we’ll explore the importance of mediums in the healing process after death. I’ll also share an interview with a friend of mine who is a medium. She offers insights into her experiences and discusses common themes and patterns that emerge in her work.

1. Insights in a Medium’s Experience

“Some spirits are content and at peace, while others, especially those who experienced trauma, may feel lost and unsettled. In these cases, it’s important to offer them guidance and support. Sometimes, just being able to communicate with their loved ones can bring them a sense of freedom, especially if a lot of time has passed since their departure.

For the living, however, it can be challenging. People seek specific signs, details to be certain that it is truly their loved one they are connecting with. They want reassurance that the person who has passed is in a good place. When they receive that confirmation, it can be incredibly healing for both the living and the spirit. Their energy remains present, often lingering close to the living, especially when they are concerned about those they’ve left behind. They stay around, watching over their loved ones, trying to ensure they are okay. They often want to send messages but don’t always know how to make that connection.However, once they find healing and come to terms with their own passing, their presence becomes more peaceful. They are still around, but no longer as worried or eager to send constant messages.”

For example, I began to dream of my great-grandmother only after she passed away. These dreams have been among the most spiritual experiences of my life. Every time she appears, she brings a message that offers me great comfort and guidance. Interestingly, she seems to evolve with each dream, as if my healing process is helping her rebirth. Through these dreams, she is spiritually detaching from her past life and ascending to a higher state. In the dream world, she is more spiritual and wise than ever before, as if she has regained a memory she lacked in life.

2. Healing for the Departed and the Living: Mediums After Death

Once they cross over to the other side, spirits begin to communicate in ways that are often quite different from how their loved ones remember them. This shift occurs because, in the afterlife, they gain a broader perspective, no longer bound by the concerns and attachments they once held. Their focus shifts to helping their loved ones find peace and ease their pain. The messages they send often remind the living not to worry so much about the trivial burdens that occupy their minds. Instead, they point out the important things that are easily overlooked.

Sometimes, a spirit sends a simple symbol, like a teddy bear from childhood, as a reminder of something meaningful. These symbols, though seemingly small, can trigger profound healing. They may even offer insight into unresolved matters, such as solving a crime by revealing who was responsible or how it happened. When such messages come from a spirit vibrating at a higher frequency, they have a powerful impact—suddenly, emotions surface, and connections are rekindled.

Spirits often urge their loved ones not to repeat their mistakes. For example if their death was due to illness, emotional distress or suicide. They might remind them to take responsibility for their health and well-being. Encouraging them not to cause unnecessary pain to those they leave behind, they can be very helpful. Communication with the departed doesn’t have to be frightening; rather, it can be a deeply healing process that helps us confront our own fears.

3. Mediums After Death: Reaching for Help on the Other Side

Many mediums are drawn to their mission not by coincidence but because they’re meant to assist between realms. This isn’t just because spirits always need help; it’s because the death realm has been manipulated. What should be a natural process is now blocked by obstacles and pain. Making it harder to be reborn with the full memory of who we are, the death realm became something scary. Many of us forget our true selves, losing touch with the spirit world.

Rebirth should be continuous and natural, like a leaf that falls and becomes one with the earth. Death should feel like falling asleep and waking up on the other side, not something extreme or fearful. We need to break the chains binding us to the death realm and end the suffering of spirits. Magic should be visible, but these blockages between realms keep it hidden.

4. Mediums as Gatekeepers

Mediums help spirits heal from the traumas that prevent them from being reborn without carrying suffering into their next life. Some spirits appear with the wounds they died from, showing the intense pain they endured. When this pain sticks to their energy, it needs to be unblocked. Mediums are like counselors, but for spirits. In the end, it’s all about helping each other. We learn by helping others, whether the experiences are ordinary or paranormal.

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