March 28, 2025
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BL_PER_014_How to Use your 7th Chakra Sahasrara Chakra

How to Use your 7th Chakra: Sahasrara Chakra

The seventh chakra, Sahasrara, should only be activated after the other chakras have been developed. It’s important to achieve results, even partial ones, with the lower chakras before working with Sahasrara. Developing these chakras ensures a strong foundation for accessing the full potential of the seventh chakra.

Once some of your other chakras have already been activated – the other six if possible – you should focus on reaching Supreme Knowledge, the highest spiritual degree any human being can achieve. This Supreme Knowledge has various names depending on the spirituality or initiatory paths: spiritual awakening, enlightenment, supreme truth, bright light…

No matter how you choose to call it, being able to access Supreme Knowledge will let you see things that normal human beings cannot see, hear, or understand in their ordinary state of consciousness. Tearing the veil of appearances reveals the hidden reality beneath. This allows access to others’ thoughts, visions of the past and future, and the gift of ubiquity.

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How to Use Your Seventh Chakra to Access Supreme Knowledge

Once you have developed your other chakras, especially the first six, you’ll be ready to take this step toward higher consciousness. The path to Supreme Knowledge is not only about accessing extraordinary abilities but also about deepening your understanding of yourself and the universe. The seventh chakra connects you to a spiritual truth beyond the material world, enhancing your intuition and insight. As you unlock this chakra, remain grounded, allowing the wisdom gained to guide you with humility and purpose.

  • Take 10 to 20 minutes just for you.
  • Move to a quiet place that you like where no one will disturb you.
  • Sit down on a chair in a comfortable position, with your back straight, hands flat on your thighs, palms turned up to the sky.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your abdominal breathing. Start breathing in through the nose while inflating your abdomen, then block the air for 2 to 3 seconds. Then breathe out through the mouth by contracting your abdomen and block your breathing for 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Repeat this cycle of abdominal breathing for 5 minutes or 50 full abdominal breathing cycles in a row (at a pace of 10 cycles per minute).
  • By the end of this exercise, you should feel less tension, less anxiety, less fear, and feel more optimistic and healthier.

Sahasrara Chakra


  • Visualize or focus on the image of your 1st chakra for 10 minutes or 100 abdominal breathing cycles focusing on the OM sacred sound in the center of the picture of the chakra.
  • Say, for example:

“Let the visualization of my Sahasrara chakra help me access Supreme Knowledge.”

  • Finally, complete this exercise by saying in a firm voice:

“My Sahasrara chakra has now been activated so that I might immerse myself in a state of Supreme Knowledge!”

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  • Repeat this ritual at least once a week and as many times as you need in order to access this ultimate degree in your spiritual human evolution.

Useful advice

This visualization exercise alone won’t grant access to Supreme Knowledge. However, it will help speed up the process. You also need to have a healthy lifestyle, eating without any excess, regularly thinking positive thoughts and developing your other chakras.

Accessing Supreme Knowledge requires patience, as it doesn’t come quickly. Awakening the other six chakras is essential before reaching this stage. Consistent use and development of these chakras over time is necessary for progress.