So, you just met someone, and you don’t know much about them, well find out their star sign and give this is a read. These horoscopes break down what each sign is like in the dating/love game. They will give you tips on how to attract someone based on their star sign and provide insight into that particular sign regarding love and attraction. We all look at each sign and what they really need for a partner, but also what that sign looks for in a partner.
Find out “how to attract” your love interest based on their star sign and what your crush will be like about love. What you make of it is entirely up to you, and it won’t be 100% accurate (as our birth charts determine our full horoscope), but it will hopefully point you in the right direction.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
It is suggested that to get the attention of an Aries that you do not play it shy. Even if they aren’t interested, Aries will love the compliments you pay them. They say “that a faint heart never won an Aries”, this has a lot to do with their energy and that it has to be well-matched. Don’t try too hard, Aries is a detective of other people’s insecurities. Aries has to be impressed by you on some level. They like to date people with good credentials. Aries is turned on by natural confidence, they like someone who can appeal to them physically, but someone who will also expand their mind and keep them engaged. Aries loves a good conversation. Aries won’t mind if you bring your problems to them, but they have limits, especially emotionally, but they do love to help and usually get off on the drama. Even if they didn’t start it, they love to hear about it. It is important that you never try to dictate to an Aries, they don’t take orders, they give them. Aries will likely lead in the relationship as this is the position they are the most comfortable in.
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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
You can start the flirtation, but you cannot rush a Taurus. They need all of their relationships to be built off a strong foundation of loyalty and trust. They may take a while to let you in. This is actually a sign that bonds off sex. Taurus will feel more connected to you if they are connected to your body. Taurus is slow to make up their minds even if they are crushing hard—usually their goal is for a long-term relationship. At times, they need you to make the first move. Show Taurus that you like being around them, try to open them up, and make them laugh. Try to give Taurus room to talk because once they feel comfortable, they will be able to do this. The key to a Taurus is through their stomach. Take them out for some good food. Cook for them. If the conversation runs dry, Taurus is attracted to money and materials. They will be impressed, literally, by the things that you have. Though don’t get them wrong, Taurus likes stuff, but they are ruled by the planet of love and are usually very tender, loving, and caring.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Gemini is the mastermind of charm and wit so they will know when you are playing games with them because they will likely be playing games with you, they will spot your insincerity right off the bat. Gemini will love an intellectually stimulating partner, who looks good and knows how to keep up with their social game and busy life. Bonus points if you can make the Gemini laugh or pass their IQ test. Sometimes (0ften) it is hard to hold the attention so if you do, you can take that as a good sign. Gemini is attracted to pretty things but could never be with someone they don’t mentally connect with and will trade in a pretty face for a solid partner. Gemini is very hospitable in love and might be prone to gift-giving, or pulling out chairs, or making dinner. Needless to say, they are never opposed to getting a gift back. Gemini can be superficial and material—it would be a shock to say Gemini isn’t impressed by nice things. It is important that Gemini be around people they can trust. They need to be around good influences even if trouble attracts them. Gemini respects honesty and a good exchange of opinions, even if they clash. Gemini is up in the air with many interests, so they will be impressed if you are really into one thing.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Cancers are vulnerable by nature, they really need to believe in your interest, but they can’t help but crush on people and dream about perfect romance. They are prone to expressing criticism as well as praise. Cancer doesn’t push through anything–they take their time. The more time they take with you could be a good sign. There is a highly romantic side to Cancer, and they will enjoy dates that celebrate the arts or satisfy their hunger for delicious food. Cancer needs to be complimented; they need to feel your interest. As a water sign, they have good intuition and will be able to spot out the fake compliments. Plus, Cancer is often hard on themselves and will need an optimistic partner with a little attitude. Cancer can live in the past and re-live past broken relationships. They tend to hang onto people even if those people have hurt Cancer. Open up to Cancer because they are good with empathy, but don’t be a therapist to Caner’s past. Show them that moving on is the best way to go. If you’re interested, remembering trying to save Cancer is never the way to go. Flex your game when Cancer is in a good place. Don’t go after Cancer if they have baggage.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Leo is attracted to good energy, good action, and a lot of attention. If you don’t know how to pay your Leo attention, they will move onto someone who does. Leo can’t help but love you if you love them, but they can be flakey about their love. This being said, Leo is picky in true love. When they see what they want it will be rare, but Leo will go after what attracts them. Leo is bound to engage in flirtations and relationships that don’t mean much. They will do this even when they are in love. When they meet the person that they want to date, they will just know. Leo will be over the moon when they find the right match. There are never enough compliments for a Leo, they need to be reminded of how awesome they are, and if you do this for them, they will do the same. Leo is impressed by the best so don’t be afraid to treat your Leo will the utmost courtesy. Leo will even be patient and generous with someone they are truly interested in. Leo will think that no one is better than their mate, no one, except for Leo.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
You don’t want to come on too strong with a Virgo. Underplay your approach, try to get to know them otherwise you might become a notch on their belt. Virgo is turned on by success and intelligence so try to engage in meaningful conversation with them. Of course, they like their mates to be physically appealing—so know how to put yourself together. Virgo likes things nice and tidy, but they’ve been known to get a little dirty. Virgo is also often attracted to good nature, they like good people, despite what Virgo is capable of sometimes on the flip. Virgo is picky and can be turned off easily. They know what they are looking for a will show interest when they find it. Virgo is the loner of the zodiac so there usually cool with their own company, but this can also lead to finding the one late in life.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Libras have been compared to as the jewels of the zodiac—they are here to be admired. Libra shouldn’t be hard to talk to, they generally know a lot about a variety of subjects. Plus, Libra isn’t likely to cast people away, they give everyone a fair chance, but they often don’t know what they want. Libras are not fans of arguments or hostility of any kind. Their goal in life is to keep things harmonious. Libra wants to be seen at the best spot, and it has been said that “Librans always think their pleasure is worth the price.” Libra will be impressed by your good taste so show them that you have it. Libra is often very well dressed and represents what it means to be “cool.” Regardless of a Libra, don’t hold back, go all out. Libra believes that too much too soon is better than too little, too late. Even if your Libra date might be late themselves.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Scorpios are known for being a bit of a wild card. They can be so mysterious, introverted, and hard to read. Or they can be direct and forward and go after what they want like with sex. Scorpio is a very sexual sign. It is most important that you listen carefully. Scorpio doesn’t do the superficial and they will know when you are being insincere or after one thing, even if it’s Scorpio who is after that one thing. Scorpio doesn’t like dull people either. They can be reclusive, so they need you to be exciting. Scorpio likes real people who aren’t afraid to tell them the details. Scorpio wants to know the what, how, and when, so tell them the whole story. Don’t worry Scorpio takes trust very seriously and will not tell people your problems, issues, or secrets. If they fall for you, they will fall deeply and be intense and constant energy in your life.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
You won’t have a problem starting up a conversation with your Sagittarius but be careful where it goes. Sagittarius hates to be cornered or put on the spot. If you’re annoying or too cocky they won’t want to be around you. Sagittarius likes to be the boss, so if you’re trying to catch their eye maybe let them lead. Sagittarius is usually a lot of fun, but they will put their two cents in. They might even avoid certain social situations to avoid the feeling of being confined Sagittarius would rather run free or love em’ and leave em’. Sagittarius need to have their freedom. They need to feel fear and don’t like to get weighed down. If they really like someone they might open up but locking someone down isn’t always their main priority. In fact, it says that Sagittarius won’t look back when it’s over unless of course, they have real feelings. Real feelings that Sagittarius can develop if they’ve met the right person.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn might seem distant or aloof at first, but this is because they are sizing you up. They are deciding whether you are worth the effort or not. Don’t be too alarmed, they will like you if you are amusing, and they are impressed by something you do. Maybe you do something that they want to do with you. Capricorn is looking for quite a partnership. Where all the love is on the table and all the games aside. Capricorn will be attracted to a successful match. Capricorn has always been drawn towards the luxuries in life. Capricorn might seem self-assured, but they need a partner who is going to work alongside them and validate them—Capricorn lives for their hard work and validation. Capricorn is drawn to the practice and will enjoy practical gifts. They like it when things make sense and can’t handle it when things are out of control.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius is very flirtatious and friendly and will be open to discussing important things. It might seem so deep with Aquarius, you might even sleep with them, but Aquarius is very charming and can detach emotion from sex. There are very few people who get to the root of Aquarius’s heart. Aquarius likes good banter. This is not to say that they don’t enjoy a little bit of gossip too. Aquarius is a highly social creature. They don’t like mistakes rubbed in their face, and they won’t be easily fooled. Aquarius will know what good advice is and stick to people who give it. They will not stick around for bad results over and over again. They may have a thing for science and are usually very good at figuring things out like if you lose or gain interest. Aquarius knows what they should expect, but often it takes them a while to get there, they often engage with some duds before they start dating winners.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces will always have something stimulating that you can talk to them about, especially if it has to do with something funny, sentimental, or deep. Pisces likes to lend a hand and will be an ear for your problems so feel free to open up to them because they are the best people to talk to. If they like you, this could be a good way to get close to them—Pisces will bond over good conversation. Pisces can get very invested in people (sometimes too quickly), they might take over the conversation, get carried away, or zone out entirely. Sometimes they show too much interest when they are really into someone and it can scare them off. Pisces has to play things cool. If they are interested in you, you will know. They will pay tons of attention to you; they will do anything for you. Pisces has to be confident in love, and not let the rose-colored glasses take over the reality of situations.
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