March 23, 2025
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Love Horoscope: What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Love Life

Love Horoscope: What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Love Life

Most people associate Venus with love, and it certainly affect how we express love and choose partners.  However, the most romantic and poetic planet is Neptune.  With Neptune entering Aries this year for the first time in since 1875 we will feel compelled to ‘chase our dreams.’ 

Learn more about how romantic Neptune in Aries will help to ‘activate’ your love life and how to break out of the habits which are holding your love life back!   


For all your perceived confidence, you are quite the romantic at heart and long for a deep love match.  It’s important for you to work on showing your softer nature to potential partners.  Start by sharing a story which involves you feeling emotional or vulnerable.  You have a tendency to hide your softer side, yet it’s that depth that a soulmate partner will connect to most.  Work on being a great listener!

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You are very grounded and can be a great anchor to another in a relationship.  Your downside is that you lack spontaneity, and this may create stagnation over time for a partner who needs some sparks.  Taking more initiative with creative date ideas and including some risks will help you to connect more in love.  Adrenalin style events may not be your usual ‘thing’ but this will build more intimacy and connection with your soulmate partner. 


You can be an incredibly fun and witty partner.  Your downside is that you live in your mind and may often be in the room but somewhere else entirely.  A great partnership requires you to be more open about your ideas and feelings, that will lead to the amazing conversations you dream of, with the right person.  Ensuring you plan exciting date nights which ensure you are ‘present’ in the moment, will help to spark up romance with your soulmate.


You are a natural romantic but sometimes forget that variety is the spice of life.  Whilst you may be happy in your favourite haunts with your favourite people.  For your partner, changing the style and venue of your dates, will bring a fresh energy.  Having dates out will also help you appreciate your snuggle time at home more.  It is important to have change and for your soulmate to enjoy their favourite activities too.


You love to be the host, or the best dressed in the room, but this can overshadow a partner at times.  True love is about opening up, trusting and being vulnerable and authentic.  Competition can be fun, but it’s not the path of true love.  Setting dates of exploration and adventure will be magical for your love life.  Your true soul companion will love to discover new places with you and be your team member and trusted companion. 


Your love life can be confusing to you and sometimes you feel better as a ‘lone wolf’.  Deep down though, you desire a close bond where you can completely open up and trust your partner.  It’s easy to rule out love if you scrutinise others enough.  If you choose love based on where you feel at ‘home’ you find happiness.  Love for you needs to be spiritual and so building trust slowly with deep conversations will be your joy.  


Venus ruled Libra can be naturally good at partnerships, but there is a superficiality about Venus alone.  You may find yourself choose partners based on physical attributes, rather than seeking true compatibility and connection.  Going deeper is important for you and allowing mundane activities into your love life will feel strangely romantic.  Your perfect soulmate is somebody who you can feel safe to be yourself with – warts and all!


You love intrigue and great depths of passion romantically, but your emotional needs can be a lot for another partner.  Allow your partner to show you other expressions of love which are fun!  The great love story misses out the mundane, but share experiences are magical.  Seeing the beauty of the moment will be the key to how you find true happiness in love.  Meditate on your heart for soulmate connections to be clear.


You are a busy soul and like to be ‘doing’ and exploring.  Sometimes it’s okay to connect with somebody different, who you can come home and share your adventures with.  Your soulmate may be calmer, less adventurous and more deeply inspiring.  Broaden your love choices to seek the one who feels ‘safe’ and fun in a different way.  This will add so much inner joy to your life ~ time for a spiritual adventure!  


You are romantic but are often secretly shy and cover up your heart.  For you trust is everything, but so are values and laughter.  Your wish list may seem less unattainable when you learn to show your vulnerable side and start to share with more people.  Your soulmate will understand you intrinsically, but unless you allow them to ‘see’ you they may not ‘find’ you.  Have the courage to shine and trust in your inner beauty. 


Neptune is your ruling planet and it’s leaving your sign for good this year.  That’s actually a blessing for you, Pisces.  You will feel more connected to others, as the need to ‘perform’ lessens. 

You are naturally romantic and can be a little too idealistic and trust at times.  Approaching love with a little logic and scrutiny will help you.  It’s important to share values and dreams with a partner, and to be compatible day-to-day.  For you focusing on the ‘boring’ routine areas of love will help you balance your connection to love.  Fantasy is wonderful but feeling part of a team with someone you love and trust is the truest romantic joy. 

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If you would like to know more about your love style based on your astrological chart, then you can contact me for a one-to-one reading at: [email protected] or via Instagram at: [email protected]