Moon Magic: Daily Tips for Working with Lunar Energies
February 16, 2024 | Margarita Celeste
Fascinated with the Moon? Eager to use her magical energy to manifest your best? We have you covered! From rituals, to spellwork, to energy healing and journaling prompts, we’ve come up with some creative ways to tap into this intuitive planet’s energy. La Luna has 8 phases, and each phase is symbolic of the process of birth, growth and letting go. Becoming in tune with the cycles is an ancient wisdom, a wisdom that we’re coming back to in this modern age. “As Above, So Below” is the adage of Astrology, and so, just as the Moon influences the tides and the water in our bodies, the planting of seeds and the growth of crops, so is her influence on our own energy. Here’s your guide to get going.
Tips for Working with the New Moon Phase
New Moon Phase are all about new beginnings, new seeds being planted. It’s an exciting manifestation phase of possibility. Let’s get started.
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Ritual/Spell Suggestion
Anything that involves planting – planting a seed in your garden, planting a herb shelf, starting a project – will be an ideal ritual to do.
Another very common ritual is the writing down of your intentions in the time to come. It’s best to keep it simple. For example, write down just three intentions. You can then either burn or store these intentions to take a look at a few months down the line.
Journal Prompt
A question to start journaling with at the new Moon phase is: What do I really want right now? What will make me feel happy, fulfilled and in tune? What gives me joy? Where can I take the first step?
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Energy Work
The best kind of energy work to do at a New Moon is a Chakra balance session. This helps to restore and renew the energy centers within the body so that you start off on the right foot during the New Moon Phase.
Tips for Working with the Crescent Moon Phase
The Crescent Moon Phase symbolizes the birth of the intention planted at the New Moon. The growth has begun, yet there’s a struggle, a push towards stepping out of our comfort zone and making our way towards the new path we have set for ourselves.
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Ritual/Spell Suggestion
A great energy to work with oil is the energy of Ganesha, a Hindu deity responsible for removing obstacles. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that Ganesha is a real being, so if you are comfortable with the idea of ‘praying’ to a deity, rather see this as a symbolic significator of energy.
Now, find the Ganesha mantra online – YouTube or Spotify will certainly have a few options. It goes: Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha. Chanting this a few times is an extremely powerful ritual. You can also do this with a Ganesha statue on your altar to make it double as effective.
Journal Prompt
A question to ask in your journal would be “what is standing in the way of my success and growth? What obstacles can I remove to help me reach my goals?”
Energy Work
Booking a session with an Aura Clearance Healer is a great way to remove any obstacles and clear your energy so that you can move forward with greater ease!
Tips for Working with the First Quarter Phase
The First Quarter Phase is pure action! This is when the directions decided upon at the new Moon Phase begin to take shape and be manifested. It’s a go, go, go, fiery phase!
Ritual/Spell Suggestion
A delicious First Quarter Moon spell to do would be some candle magic. Choose the area of your life where there’s action happening or needed, be it career or finances or love. Now, get a yellow or orange candle to symbolize the fiery energy of this First Quarter Phase.
Light the candle and then close your eyes, visualizing the situation progressing. See that visual over and over again, at least five times. Feel that emotion of gratitude arising as you visualize yourself taking action. Allow the candle to burn all the way to the end, symbolizing the action process.
Journal Prompt
Write down in your journal the goals you see yourself achieving over the next couple of days, weeks or months. Make a loss and make an action plan next to that list. Go, you!
Energy Work
Time to do your own energy work! Yoga – especially hot yoga – is a great way to symbolize the moving of energy, the shifting of your story. Warrior Poses specifically are excellent for the action-orientated First Quarter Moon Phase.
Tips for Working with the Gibbous Phase
The Gibbous Phase is when we are just on the brink of achieving all of our goals – hooray! This is an exciting phase, yet it’s also one in which we may just go a little too far. Taming excess is important with this one. Let’s get started –
Ritual/Spell Suggestion
Cord spells are powerful, and during this potent time, doing on may just put us exactly where we need to be. So, go on and find yourself a cord, at least a meter long. Think before you start which areas of your life you may be hoping for resolution, a fruition, a culmination. Tie a knot for each area on the cord, whilst visualizing this area becoming wrapped up in just the way you want it to. Think of this as also putting a stop to your need to push things too far, instead just allowing for things to unfold. In other words, the knots also symbolize you stopping any excessive behavior where you may be going too far.
Journal Prompt
Ask yourself in your journal – “Where am I going too far? What measures do I need to put in place so that I can allow instead of push? How do I see this area turning out? Where do I need to exercise patience?”
Energy Work
You may feel slightly overwhelmed or overexcited at this time, so a calming meditation or breathwork may be exactly what you need right now to settle your nervous system.
Tips for Working with the Full Moon Phase
This is the most potent of all Moon Phases! of all Moon Phase! The Full Moon brings to the culmination the seeds planted at the New Moon. Full Moon magic can be extremely powerful, and is usually all about release and reworking –
Ritual/Spell Suggestion
A release spell is very important to do here. A lovely ritual to do may be to paint a word on a rock or piece of paper of the situation, people and things you’d like to let go of. You can then throw these rocks into a river or the ocean, or you can burn the piece of paper, holding the situation in your mind and watching it melt away as the fire or water takes it away from you.
Journal Prompt
Your journal prompt is to ask yourself what you need to let go of. how you need to let go of. Where you can invite a restructure, a reworking. Making a list is a nice thing to do in your journal to make it clear and concise.
Energy Work
Cord Cutting is a fantastic way to work with the leasing energy of a Full Moon. You can hold a certain person in mind, or possibly also a situation. Ask someone to help you as this can be very powerful and potent work which often needs an expert or someone with experience. They will help you identify with Chakras that the cords are connected to and cut them, with the help of your guardian angels and other energies.
Tips for Working with the Disseminating Phase
The Disseminating phase is all about a further letting go, and the sharing of your wisdom and knowledge gained from the Full Moon. It’s a learning and assimilation phase.
Ritual/Spell Suggestion
Fill a jug with fresh spring water. Now, write down the words you’d like to ‘drink in’ to your spirit/ Words such as Love, Health, Abundance, Joy and so on. They have to be words that are emotional or feeling orientated. Stick these words on your jug or even write them on the jug itself. Leave it overnight. Then drink the water, whilst repeating the words to yourself. This symbolizes the assimilation of the experience that you’ve had, and what you’d like to imbue your energy with.
Journal Prompt
Write down in your journal everything you have learnt in the last few weeks since the New Moon, or even longer. Note if there are people in your life that you can share these experiences and wisdom with.
Energy Work
Talk therapy is a lovely way to work with this knowledge and wisdom orientated energy. You may want to visit a life coach, a psychologist or some other kind of talk therapist to support you and help you assimilate all that you have learnt.
Tips for Working with the Third Quarter Phase
The Third Quarter Phase is all about clearing space, reworking, restructuring, and inner change. It’s the phase that we change from the caterpillar to the butterfly, where we transform, so to speak.
Ritual/Spell Suggestion
A creative ritual is best for this Moon Phase. Get out your colors and paper and draw yourself in a cocoon, however that looks. Write down the words around the cocoon that are manifesting within you, the projects that are growing as well as words of growth and expansion. Now, draw the butterfly as yourself. Visualize yourself as this beautiful being emerging from your challenges. The magic here is the visuals and meditation energy that you create when doing your art.
Journal Prompt
Questions to ask yourself could be – “In which area of my life do I see myself in need of a restructure? Where am I growing? What do I need to release and let go of to make more space in my life? Where do I need some time alone to process? How can I create that time and space for myself?”
Energy Work
Deep, transformative energy work with a healer is best recommended here. This can be a combination of Reiki, cord cutting, chakra work and aura balancing. A holistic approach is needed, one that encompasses all aspects of healing.
Tips for Working with the Balsamic Phase
The last of all the Moon Phases is the most karmic one, and possibly the most important. It’s a deep cutting out, a clearing, a quiet, inner phase. It’s the pause before a profound new beginning of the New Moon.
Ritual/Spell Suggestion
The spell you do now is simple, yet very effective. Fill your bath with water. Throw some herbs, petals and oils in. Make it steamy, hot and delicious. Light some candles, play some music and jump in. Meditate on all the old weeds that you’d like to pull from your life, all the things and people that drain your energy, all the situations that stop you from flying. Now, when you empty the bath, slowly let the water drain out, visualizing all those things leaving you and your energy field.
Journal Prompt
Questions to ask in your journal may be “What situations, people and things are taking energy from me instead of giving me energy? Who or what do I need to get rid of? Where can I purge and make space? Which relationships need to end?”
Energy Work
Past life work is best for this Moon phase, as we tend to be more physically open and connected to our past. Finding a Past Life regression healer may be just a thing to help you close a door or person or situation, getting you fresh and ready for the next, wonderful phase! Deep work is required here, so you may even want to combine this with a cord cutting session or even a ritual.
Now you have everything to know about the Moon Phases.
Margarita is a practicing full-time Astrologer living in sunny Cape Town. She’s been a star gazer ever since she can remember, and over the years, developed with a deep passion for serving and helping others. She’s successfully combined these two passions together and her skills lie in helping her clients, readers and students to know and understand themselves better, using the ancient and sacred art of Astrology. She has witnessed the life-changing effects that people can experience when owning disowned parts of themselves, and coming to a greater and deeper understanding of their own beings and thereby of the Cosmos itself. Margarita eats, sleeps and breaths Astrology. From consulting, to writing, to teaching, it is her full-time job and life’s calling.