March 28, 2025
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Neptune In Pisces: The Newfound Popularity of Astrology

Neptune in Pisces most recently began in April of 2011 and will conclude in January of 2026. Its previous journey through Pisces occurred between April 1847 and February 1862, the years leading up to and at the beginning of the Civil War, which took place between 1861 and 1865. While Neptune moves through Pisces, beliefs shift significantly, and on a large scale. This article will explore the newfound popularity of astrology.

Neptune in Pisces: Newfound Popularity of Astrology 

Each point in the sky rules a specific sign; when that point is in that sign, its energy is strongest and its effects last the longest. When the point is in a different sign than its rulership, especially a sign that is also very different in terms of element and expression, the impacts take on the areas of life ruled by that sign. When Neptune moves through Pisces, individuals and large systems, like societies and cultures, experience spiritual awakening. For some, the awakening ushers in changing beliefs while, for others, the awakening energy increases their resistance to change. 

Neptune in Pisces encourages us to have faith, surrender, be vulnerable, and recognize our connectivity to everyone on the planet. Neptune wants us to understand that we are all in this together. These are the positive traits of Neptune in Pisces. Its shadow energy is delusion, disbelief, confusion, and deception. It can be hard to “know what is real” while Neptune occupies its own sign. 

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History Repeats 

It is interesting to study astrology over the course of human history and see how the patterns cycle through, especially when seen through the lens of the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. In the case of Uranus, the cycle happens every 84 years for an 8-year span. In the case of Neptune, the cycle happens every 165 years for about a 14-year span. And Pluto returns to a sign every 247 years for anywhere from 17 to 31 years. 

Therefore, it is not surprising that, as an aspect of American history, the period between 1847 and 1862, and the years soon after, when Neptune entered Aries, would be one of astounding disruptions in social norms and beliefs. The most profound event in those years was the Civil War, which brought about the end of slavery in the United States. It did not end inequality, but it did force the nation to begin a long process of reconciliation regarding race that is still unfolding.  

Newfound popularity: Astrology Now 

During the time Neptune moves through Pisces, humanity learns how belief shapes the world, and how competing beliefs battle over the construction of civilization. Astrology has clearly benefited from the social media revolution, along with apps on cell phones providing daily updates about your horoscope and making it easier to get more than just Sun sign information at your fingertips. 

Since astrology has a history stretching back to the earliest civilizations and across the globe, it has been revered and dismissed many times throughout civilizations’ ups and downs. But clearly, there is more awareness, with developing depth, across a broader spectrum of people, than there ever has been before. When astrology guided the fates of nations, the knowledge was tightly held by the brightest minds in a kingdom, and was not part of common experience among everyday people.  

Once science began to displace faith and superstition, and astronomy removed itself from its relationship with astrology, and astrology fell into disfavor, but never really disappeared. Some resurgence began to take hold in the modern, psychological era that started to emerge at the turn of the 20th century, and numerous well-written and very scholarly books were published throughout the 1960s to the 1980s. 

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Then, as popular culture began to get stronger and more prevalent through cable television, economic globalization, and eventually, the internet, astrological writing got watered down to suit a mass audience who enjoyed reading clever insights, tightly packaged in the daily horoscope or astrology-made-easy books that tried to make a complex subject appear simple and accessible to anyone. While there is no psychic ability required to learning astrology, understanding its real value through its complexity does require a scholarly level of study and time invested. 

You are More than your Sun Sign 

With online apps and comprehensive websites, like AskAstrology, people are realizing there is so much more to their astrology than their Sun sign. Online chart calculators can produce your fully rendered chart in a matter of seconds, a task, done by hand, that used to take several hours. It is the revelation that a birth chart has so much more information that is increasing the interest in astrology. 

Also, difficult times usually cause people to consider alternative forms of knowledge and insight. While Neptune is moving through Pisces, interest in spiritual knowledge is on the rise, and has been since 2010, when Neptune went into Pisces. Additionally, astrology has a rich and creative narrative that resonates with every generation in different ways. I have clients ranging in all ages and across all professions and socio-economic classes. 

People are seeing that astrology is not a science or a religion, but rather a form of narrative art that can help you understand yourself and others in ways that are creative and empowering, once you get past any of the wrong-headed deterministic approaches that sometimes still show up. Critical and more sophisticated minds are writing about and using astrology as well, seeing how the core ideas blended with some flexibility through interpretation can really bring powerful insights. 

How Well is Astrology Doing Under Neptune in Pisces? 

Well, if you go to Google Play and look at the astrology apps, you will find over 30 you can choose from, including Tropical (Western) and Sidereal (Vedic) options. At least five have over 10+ million downloads, and most of them have over 1 million. If you do a search in Amazon using the word astrology, you will get over 50,000 results in the books category alone. A Google search for websites will yield 196,000,000 results (in .62 seconds)! People are simply craving the kind of insight and help astrology offers in their daily lives, relationships, and personal growth. And, best of all, your astrology chart is all about you! But from a vast source … the layout of the solar system when you were born. What’s not to love?! 

Now your know everything about the newfound popularity of astrology.

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