March 25, 2025
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Mercury Retrograde In Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer 

What does it mean when Mercury Retrograde is in Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer? Let’s find out!


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 

A want and need to be first and to engage with everything you wish to causes you to lack self-control. You want to prove that you are smart and more capable than others, and you can often do this irrationally and selfishly. Building and harnessing patience is vital, as impulsive actions can lead you to make decisions and actions in life that you must avoid. You are always rushing and are too fast and busy for others to keep up with you.

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 You do not back down from a challenge, argument, or debate and see these as perfect opportunities to showcase your mental strength and ability. Always getting ahead of yourself, you can seem like you are living in the future or miles ahead of others. You think of things way before it even crosses someone else’s mind, causing you to always be first in line.  

 You carry deep-seated insecurity about not being “good enough” in your past life. As a result, in this life, you overcompensate in all your actions to make sure you are “The Best” in the eyes of others. Even if this life poses very few challenges for you, you will mentally create challenges for yourself based on a past life. Others might not understand your obsession, and your behaviors and actions can often seem inappropriate, as they come from a past life thought and not a current one.  


Mercury Retrograde in Taurus 

You wish to live in the comforts of your past life and are constantly irritated when you cannot experience the comforts and pleasures you did in your past life. You are a slow, methodical thinker and seldom have irrational thoughts. Each thought is carefully analyzed, and one can often become obsessed with one thought and thinking pattern.

You can get stuck in experiencing emotions but get so caught up in the feeling that you forget to apply logic and rational thinking to your feelings. It can be tricky to express yourself to others and engage with others, as you can be highly introverted and perceive the world via your sentimental feelings instead of how it truly is. Success can take a long time to come to you, but over time you will build the inner and external resources required to gain great success in your life, but this usually only comes to you at an older age.  

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It is easy to obsess about comfort, security, money, and the future. Yet, you are trying to live in a past life where resources were abundant and struggle to live comfortably in this life without this abundance of resources. It would help if you learned that this current experience is different from the past and you only need some of the resources you had in the past to thrive in this life.  


Mercury Retrograde in Gemini 

You will have many different faces and personalities for each individual you interact with. You seek the ideal face and personality to engage in every situation, and through remaining highly adaptable, you learn alot from each person and each unique experience. And you understand that staying fixed will not allow you to learn what you need to know, and you find it easy to change yourself to suit any situation and learn from it.

Plus you have a rare ability to experience different thoughts, views, experiences, and opinions solely from a neutral perspective. You do not get personally or emotionally involved in what is presented to you, but you allow this information to educate you and further your inner “library” of knowledge. It is easy for you to deal with people from all walks of life, as you can easily understand each person’s point of view without adopting that point of view as your own.  

You can become a wonderful song and poetry writer, but when writing technical books and novels, you might need help finding the structure and dedication required to complete such a project. Memories from past relationships can plague you, and you can easily project past life relationship dynamics onto your current relationships. People involved with you often need clarification, as they are unsure where the emotions and needs stem from in you. In relationships, you act the same way you did in your past life, and it is vital to clear your past life karma to approach your relationships with a new perspective.  


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Mercury retrograde in Cancer 

You subconsciously gravitate toward people who remind you of your past life. You experience life solely through your emotions, and each thought and action is generally in alignment with your true emotional self. Childhood experience is deeply important, and you hold onto each childhood experience and memory in your adult life. Emotions are filtered through layers of childhood memories and thoughts, and it can be tricky to establish an identity separate from the child you once were. You can come across as childlike or childish, but the reason for this is that you still hold onto those childhood experiences, even as an adult.  

Your parents must be aware of the impact of the childhood experience on you as an adult, as overly traumatic experiences and a household that lacks love and support can significantly scar you. Having others play supportive roles is vital at all ages, as without emotional security, you can struggle to function as a rational adult.  

Finding ways to move on from the past and learning to live in the present is vital. It is almost as if your memories form chains in your current life that keep you stuck, and it is critical to find healthy ways to free yourself from the chains of these memories. For example, subconsciously, you see everyone you meet as a parent, and you need to defend yourself and fight for your independence, right, and “adulthood” but also gain love and acceptance from them. This dynamic leads to a lot of chaos in your relationships throughout your life, and awareness of how this dynamic plays out can help you remain conscious of it and improve it in your life. In addition, you can do very well working with children, as you have a natural emotional connection with those younger than you.