Why High-Vibrational Souls Often Struggle with Money
March 10, 2025 | Waxyjo
Money as a commodity we all exchange and accumulate is a relatively modern arrangement. It’s only since the Industrial Revolution (1700s) that almost all people have been trading with money, rather than goods. So, it’s not surprising that many of the working classes still believe that wealth can corrupt. Many of us are still programmed to believe the medieval dogma that spirituality = suffering. Yet, in reality, if the most kind, high-vibrational souls & spiritual people were the wealthiest, the world would be a wonderful place!
The hierarchy
The concept of a small percentage of the world being the very very rich, is not new. There have always been a minority of people who are power-focused, acquisitive and narcissistic. Sadly these traits have remained synonymous with money.
Christianity has always maintained clear hierarchy also with it’s system of popes, bishops, cardinals and priests. Equally, followers are taught that to be god-like one must be humble, generous, selfless and poor. Whilst cathedrals remain the most majestic, gold-embossed, impressive buildings in each city.
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Humility and generosity are wonderful traits of course, yet the story of Jesus suffering has been upheld as a template for life. It was never meant to be a story to emulate, rather; a life to commemorate.
Hence, suffering became connected to being spiritual. In medieval times it was believed that eclipses, and plagues were punishments for impurity. The link between spirituality and being punished or punishing the self has been propagated for the last 2 centuries.
One of the purest ways to describe a spiritual choice is asking the question ‘what would love do now?’. (Credit to Neale Donald Walsch in Conversations with God). To be in tune with one’s soul; one treats another as they would wish to be treated themselves. The Ten Commandments are a great moral guide, and allowing the ego to be observed but not rule us, is also an honourable life choice.
The most high-vibrational souls are in-tune with how they treat others, but may still choose to neglect the self. It is easy to continue the stigma when we have been told that suffering is the highest choice.
True spirituality is your own take on being in touch with your life path. Whether that be conducted within a religion, or group. Or in solace and privacy. The high vibrations, spiritual choice is one of kindness.
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Wealthy people can be High-Vibrational souls too!
We can all think of people who are extremely wealthy and also high-vibrational souls. Keanu Reeves comes to mind as somebody who has famously given his money to others and is universally loved. It is fair to say that Keanu is a high-vibrational soul who has attracted great wealth. There are, in fact, many many very rich people who have used their wealth in an amazing way. Can you think of some more examples?
It is not religion that has limited our choices, it is only human ego which perpetuates separation. There need be no class system or hierarchy, and there need be no perceived difference between any groups of people. In the real of the soul everything and everybody is equal.
We are all equal and we all have souls, beauty and uniqueness. The families we are born to, do not describe our worthiness, any more than they dictate our choices or our characters.
The highest vibration is love and forgiveness.
By being a spiritually in-tune person with money, great impact can be made to enhance equality. To support the environment and so protect the livelihoods of people and animals who are vulnerable.
More high vibration, spiritual people having wealth would create a very evolved society.
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So it’s not surprising that those who prefer power to equality, try to convince the high-vibrational souls that they are not equal or worthy!
As many of us have been raised by parents who may have felt that money was in some way ‘bad’, there are often old thoughts which block our financial success.
Quotes such as, “money doesn’t grow on trees,” or “money is the root of all evil” are often instilled in us from childhood. Frequently, people who were told that money was “bad” as children, don’t actually fear being wealthy.
They fear that wealth may change who they choose to be. They fear that they will lose touch with themselves and their souls.
One of the most pervading passed on beliefs is that money changes people. Yet, your integrity is your choice. If you make high-vibrational choices now, would you really choose not to do so if you were richer?
Perhaps then, what spiritual people are most scared of, is their strength of mind and ability to hold true to their beliefs…?
However, what actually changes people is following the herd and not making qualified, moral choices. It is easy to be swayed by compliments and praise.
Remember this: if our internal morals supersede external gratification, we need not fear being changed.
Integrity as the win
Sometimes it’s helpful to meditate on old programming and to pay attention to the mind’s inner chatter to start to address negative concepts.
It is also important to build your own sense of strength in your beliefs. By spending time journaling your biggest fears, you may begin to uncover the real reason you don’t trust yourself to be wealthy?
Perhaps you also fear your friends will love you less if you changed? There are times in life where we have to recognise that not all perceived friends are true friends. Those who love you truly, will remain. False friends are best uncovered, then kept.
What are the limiting thoughts that you create about your own success and your own wealth?
Reviewing the points above it’s easy to see how believing societal concepts may easily limit us. This is your life though and your only life in this body.
How do you want to live?
Perhaps by being wealthy you could make a spiritual impact on the world that could really help. A lot more than self sacrifice ever could.
There is nothing wrong with money and there is nothing wrong with being wealthy! Just remember to ask, “What would love do now?” And use your wealth to spread that vibe~~~
Joëlle has been studying esoteric sciences, divination, the supernatural, and alternative health since her teenage years. Now in her 40s, she has also amassed 20+ years of experience as a pioneering astrologer, psychic and tarot reader. She is also a qualified reiki master, herbalist, and twin flame expert. To find out more about her, or to book a reading contact her at: www.facebook.com/waxyjo and as @waxlobster on Instagram.