October 22, 2024
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13 Alarming Indicators of a Psychic Attack: Stay Safe with Awareness

13 Alarming Indicators of a Psychic Attack: Stay Safe with Awareness

A psychic attack is an attempt by someone to intrude into your energy field. But what is an energy field? It’s our aura, the invisible energy we radiate, which can extend up to 1.5 meters around us. This is our protective field, and when it’s penetrated, the attack is close to being fulfilled. Even an attempt to intrude can make you feel strange and off-balance. 

It’s crucial to know yourself deeply and strive for balance. This will help you notice when someone else’s energy is trying to get in or take something from you. Today, we’ll explore 13 signs that indicate you might be under a psychic attack, along with ways to stop it. The more you pay attention to these signs, the more you’ll understand your own energy imprint. After all, where attention flows, energy grows.

1. Your Natural Expression is Blocked

Psychic attacks often catch you off guard, and your body may sense it before your mind does. The manipulation attempt can take time to fully reveal itself. Typically, envious individuals aim to take what they see as good in you. If you’re naturally a happy person, someone may try to strip that from you. You might find it difficult to be yourself, feeling as though something is blocking your happiness. It feels unnatural, like a part of you is being paralyzed. If this happens, it could be a sign of someone’s wish to suppress your natural joy or creativity.

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2. Random Thoughts Appear

It’s possible for someone to implant thoughts in your mind. You might have experienced thinking the same thing as a close friend, which reflects a positive connection. But there are also negative influences that can plant bad thoughts in your head. Their aim is to stop you or divert your path. If a random thought or voice pops into your mind, take a moment to scan its source. Does it feel like it’s yours, or does it carry someone else’s energy? If you accept this foreign thought, the attack has succeeded.

3. A Specific Person Keeps Coming to Mind

Have you ever been doing something you enjoy, only for a certain person’s image or energy to suddenly pop into your mind? This may be a sign that they’re trying to stop your progress. For instance, if you’ve ended a relationship and started moving on, the person may sense your detachment. Their energy could be trying to pull you back or fill you with doubt. Ask yourself: what role does this person actually play in your life? Sometimes, people attach to us even when they don’t belong there.

4. Strange Dreams

Dreams are a potent realm for psychic attacks. If someone appears in your dream and tries to convince you of something, you could be experiencing a more advanced level of attack. However, if the dream serves as a warning, it might be your higher self protecting you. Dreams offer insights into what we might overlook in waking life. If you dream vividly of someone’s true intentions, it’s important to decode those messages before they manifest in real life.

5. Feeling Watched

This sensation, known as the evil eye, is a powerful indicator of a psychic attack. When you feel someone is watching you, but no one is there, it’s not just paranoia. You can sense their energy observing or trying to spy on you. This intense feeling can make you behave unnaturally, as if you’re being controlled. In public, protect your energy—wearing sunglasses is one way to shield your soul from prying eyes. A magician must always guard their energy.

6. Unexplained Yawning or Fatigue

Yawning and sudden fatigue could be signs that your body is expelling unwanted energy. When harmful energy penetrates your aura, your body naturally tries to reject it. Yawning is one way to release that energy. Fatigue could also mean someone has already succeeded in taking a bit of your energy, and now your body needs to recharge. Pay attention when this happens, and ensure you replenish your energy quickly.

7. Feeling Unnatural Fear

It’s unnerving to finish a seemingly pleasant conversation only to realize later that the person didn’t wish you well. Their intention might have been to scare or unsettle you. They may have tried to implant a seed of doubt, making you think you have no friends or allies. Don’t give in to this fear! Their sad reality shouldn’t drag you down. You are loved and supported, even if their energy makes you feel otherwise.

8. Pressure in the Ears

A ringing or pressure in the ears isn’t always a bad sign. However, if it feels destructive or unnatural, it could indicate someone is using harmful methods to interfere with your energy. If the sensation spreads across your head, your crown chakra is likely protecting you. This chakra connects directly to the divine, and it acts as a shield against unnatural attacks.

9. Physical Bullying or Attacks

Repeated bullying or physical aggression can also harm your psyche. These individuals feel threatened by your light, and they may attack you to dim it. They might spread false rumors or project their own bad behaviors onto you. This can confuse you if you’re not certain of who you are. They want you to believe their lies, so it’s crucial to stay grounded in your truth.

10. Unexplained Bruises or Pain

Have you ever woken up with a bruise and no memory of how it got there? It might not just be from a bad sleeping position. If you fought someone in a dream, the bruise could be a sign of a psychic attack. You defended yourself, but you still got hurt. Be grateful, though—it could have been worse!

11. Sweating and Strange Smells

Similar to yawning, sweating can be your body’s way of expelling negative energy. If your sweat has an unusual, toxic odor, such as sulfur, it might be a sign your body is purifying itself. Once the sweating stops, it means the bad energy has left. To support this process, keep yourself warm or create a cozy environment in your home to encourage the release of these harmful energies.

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12. Unusual Gifts

Be wary if someone you barely know offers you a gift, especially if it feels off in some way. The object might carry a spell designed to control or manipulate you from afar. If something about the gift feels wrong, trust your intuition. Decline it politely and move on.

13. Insistent Offers of Food

Similar to receiving a gift, if someone insists on feeding you, it could be another form of energetic manipulation. They may not even be aware of what they’re doing. But the act of offering food can be a way to keep you tied to their energy. Pay attention to your instincts—if you feel that the food is being offered with ill intent, it’s okay to refuse. Your place might not be there, no matter how tempting it seems.

You CAN Protect Yourself

By being aware of these 13 signs, you can better protect yourself from psychic attacks. The more in tune you are with your energy, the easier it will be to recognize when something isn’t right. And remember that you have the power to shield yourself from harm, using your own intuition. Stay safe, magicians!