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Julia Roberts: Finding Harmony in Hinduism

Julia Roberts, one of Hollywood’s most iconic actresses, is known for her radiant smile and memorable performances. But beyond her cinematic success, Julia Roberts surprised her fans in 2010 by announcing her conversion to Hinduism. What led this star to embrace this ancient religion? In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind Julia Robert’s conversion and how hinduism has helped her find harmony and inner peace.

Julia Roberts’ Encounter with Hinduism and Harmony

The Filming of Eat Pray Love

Some say it all started during the filming of Eat Pray Love in India. In this movie, the actress plays a woman searching for balance between body, mind, and soul—a quest that seems to have influenced her own spiritual path. During her stay at an ashram in India, Roberts was reportedly deeply touched by Hindu culture.

However, Julia Roberts says otherwise! Contrary to popular belief, she didn’t become fascinated with Hinduism after working on the film, but had already been practicing it before signing on for the role. Although the actress has always been careful not to speak too much about her personal ideologies, she did speak about her status as a practicing Hindu on a few occasions, especially during the promotion of Eat Pray Love.

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“I will say this about Hinduism, which I practice… I didn’t suddenly make this movie and start practicing Hinduism. It was a part of my life for a very long time, and I realized I should stick with what my mom told me 22 years ago, ‘You’re an actor; act, don’t talk about politics, don’t talk about religion’.”

The Influence of Neem Karoli Baba

The true turning point came when she stumbled upon an image of Neem Karoli Baba, a revered Indian guru. Although he passed away in 1973 and she never met him, his photograph sparked an immediate spiritual connection in Roberts. She felt deep respect and admiration for this man, which led her to explore Hinduism further.

In an interview with George Stephanopoulos for ABC News, she was asked how she became acquainted with Hinduism. She said, “I practice, I practice a lot of things… Hinduism is something that I’m very intrigued by, and very interested in… It came from seeing a picture of a guru called Neem Karoli Baba. I was so drawn to this picture of this person, and I didn’t know who he was, and what he was about, but felt a very strong interest… He passed long before I saw his picture, but it was very intriguing, and that’s the way things come into our lives. They’re not these big, great crashing moments, but these little things…”

Reasons for Her Conversion to Hinduism

A Spiritual Quest

Roberts grew up in a Christian family with a Catholic mother and a Baptist father. Yet, despite her Christian roots, she didn’t feel fully spiritually satisfied. She explained in several interviews that Hinduism offered her a new perspective on life and spirituality. Unlike other religions, Hinduism does not rely on strict dogmas but encourages personal exploration and the search for inner peace through different paths.

Hinduism’s Values

What particularly drew Julia Roberts to Hinduism is the concept of universal harmony and tolerance. Hinduism teaches that all religions are different paths leading to the same divine goal. This flexibility and openness strongly resonated with the actress, who sees this religion as a source of peace and harmony.

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Moreover, Hinduism values principles such as Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truth), and Brahmacharya (moderation), ideals that Roberts has incorporated into her daily life. She has said that these principles have helped her feel more centered and aligned with her personal values.

The Impact of Her Faith on Her Daily Life

A Family Practice

Julia Roberts’ conversion doesn’t just concern her own spiritual life. Her husband, Daniel Moder, and their three children have also embraced the faith. The family regularly participates in Hindu rituals, including visiting temples to pray and sing together. Roberts shared that her children even shaved their heads during a visit to India, a practice symbolizing purification in Hinduism.

As we know, in Hinduism, a deceased person’s soul is reborn in another body. Julia has explained that when she looks at her daughter, she sometimes senses the presence of a much older, ancient soul. It is her duty, she says, to protect and honor that presence.

When asked if she remembers her past lives, she doesn’t hesitate. According to her, she was once a revolutionary peasant or someone who gathered wood for the community—an important role that allowed others to stay warm by the fire. And after her death, does she know what she’ll be reincarnated as?

“I’ve been so spoiled in this life. Next time I want to be just something quiet and supporting.”

The Importance of Meditation and Yoga

Roberts attributes much of her inner serenity to meditation and yoga, practices deeply rooted in Hinduism. These disciplines help her stay connected to her inner self and overcome the stress related to her film career. The actress has also spoken about the importance of meditation to recentralize and find balance in her busy life. Additionally, her passion for going barefoot is noteworthy. It’s not uncommon to see Julia Roberts walking barefoot at festivals and even weddings. This habit was even kept in Hook when she portrayed Tinker Bell.

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Her Philanthropy

It’s impossible to talk about Julia Roberts without mentioning her philanthropy. Although this isn’t directly related to Hindu dogma, her social advocacy is worth noting. For example, her six-day visit to Haiti in 1995 opened her eyes to the world. She’s also served as a spokesperson for Earth Biofuels (renewable fuels) and participated in a Gucci campaign for women’s empowerment. The list goes on! This shows that Julia Roberts seeks to spread harmony around the world through Hinduism.


Julia Roberts’ conversion to Hinduism is more than just a religious choice; it’s a personal journey toward peace and inner harmony. By adopting this ancient philosophy, Roberts has found a deeper meaning to life, far from Hollywood pressures. Her story is a testament to the power of spirituality to transform our lives, offering a path to balance and tranquility.