October 16, 2024
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Welcome in the New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st, 2024

Mark Your Calendars: The Hunter’s Moon Illuminates the Night on October 17, 2024

The phases of the moon captivate observers with their fascinating astronomical behaviors and serve as rich sources of thought and interpretation in Astrology. Among the nine phases – New, Waxing Crescent, 1st Quarter Half, Waxing Gibbous, Full, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter Half, Waning Crescent, and Balsamic – the New and Full Moons command the most attention. This article will examine the Hunter’s Moon 2024 and discuss the emotional “harvest” you should gather during this lunar phase.

Hunter’s Full Moon 2024 – Reap What You Have Sown!

The Hunter’s Full Moon for October will occur on the 17th, 2024 at 24 degrees and 35 minutes in the sign of Aries. In my Eastern Standard Time zone it will happen at 7:27 am.


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It takes 29.5 days from one Full Moon to the next, spending approximately 2 and ½ days in a sign. The day before and the day after comprise the peak time of the Full Moon energy. The Full Moon is the time of “the harvest”. What began with the New Moon reaches its full potential before waning, fading, and preparing for a new cycle.

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The Full Moon for October is the “Hunter’s Moon.” This moon provides extra light for hunters to track game late into the night. Other names for this moon include the “Blood Moon,” symbolizing the time of hunting and gathering meat. The “Sanguine Moon” also reflects the hunt and the preparation for the cold months ahead. Additionally, the “Dying Grass Moon” marks the fading of plant life as autumn deepens. Meanwhile the “Travel Moon” signifies migration and change during this transformative season. These names stem from various cultures, each honoring the natural cycles and survival traditions of this month.

Full Moon in Aries – Emotional Confidence Rides High

This Full Moon will take place in the 3rd decan (last 10 degrees) of Aries, making it an Aries/Sagittarius Moon. Therefore, the planetary influence involves Mars, the ruler for Aries, and Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius. During the Full Moon in Aries/Sagittarius, the urge to explore and expand gains fiery momentum. Aries’ influence encourages bold action, courage, and independence, while Sagittarius’ energy drives us to seek adventure, truth, and freedom.

We need to embrace emotional confidence and pursue authentic connections. This lunar phase prompts us to face challenges head-on, guided by the bravery of Aries and the optimism of Sagittarius. As we harness Aries’ daring spirit, we ignite new beginnings and assert our desires. Additionally, Sagittarius’ influence pushes us to broaden our horizons, fostering growth and excitement in our relationships.

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With this Full Moon at 24d35m, the Sabian Symbol is 25 Aries, “A double promise.” Marc Edmund Jones says, “This is a symbol of man’s stark resourcefulness on the side of everyday experience. For each potentiality that life may offer him there are alternatives of equal or supplementary value which he is able to recognize, and within himself there is always the symbolical as well as the literal pertinence of everything that comes to his attention. Here is unlimited capacity for seeing the world and self both inwardly and outwardly.” The key word is: SENSIBILITY.

The Number of The Hunter’s Full Moon 2024

This Full Moon will occur on 10/17/2024, which totals 17, which reduces to 8. In numerology, the number 8 represents power, ambition, and material success. It embodies the pursuit of achievement in the physical world, symbolizing a deep connection to authority and financial goals. Under the influence of 8, we seek balance between the material and spiritual realms to gain control and status. We aim to manifest our goals and create tangible results, valuing discipline and practicality while striving for long-term success.

In numerology, when a Full Moon occurs on the 17th day, it totals 8. Eight symbolizes power, authority, and material success. Hence, the number 8 urges us to harness our ambition, take control, and build a solid foundation for long-term achievement. This energy inspires us to focus on discipline, leadership, and strategic planning. As a result, use this time to cultivate financial stability and align with your drive for accomplishment and growth. This will give the day double the amount of 8 power!

Life Path Number 8

The Full Moon and Your Sun Sign

During a Full Moon, the energy mixes with zodiac signs differently, influencing individuals of each sign in unique ways.

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  • Aries: Embrace your boldness and ignite your passion for new beginnings; this is a powerful time for personal transformation and action.
  • Taurus: Reevaluate your values and emotional attachments; seek stability through inner strength and assert your needs with confidence.
  • Gemini: Dive into dynamic conversations and express your thoughts creatively; use this energy to initiate projects that reflect your passions.
  • Cancer: Strengthen your emotional foundations and nurture your relationships; channel your intuition to heal past wounds and build stronger bonds.
  • Leo: Unleash your creativity and pursue projects that resonate with your heart; express your individuality and lead with enthusiasm.
  • Virgo: Focus on self-improvement and integrate practical spiritual practices; allow your analytical mind to uncover deeper truths about your well-being.
  • Libra: Foster intense connections and explore the balance between independence and partnership; approach relationships with courage and authenticity.
  • Scorpio: Dive deep into emotional truths and embrace transformative experiences fearlessly; use your intuition to guide your journey of personal evolution.
  • Sagittarius: Expand your horizons through adventurous pursuits and exploration; this is an ideal time for new experiences that enrich your spirit.
  • Capricorn: Leverage your ambition in professional settings and pursue aggressive goals; this moon encourages bold actions that align with your values.
  • Aquarius: Merge innovative ideas with maverick choices; let your unique perspective inspire artistic expressions that benefit the collective.
  • Pisces: Tap into your inner vision and allow your creativity out; use this time to explore your spiritual gifts with courage.

If you were born during a Full Moon, you will feel every Full Moon in some significant way. This happens because this phase aligns with your birth Moon phase. It’s worthwhile to find out the Moon phase at your birth. Learning your birth Moon phase will reveal that the same phase each month strongly impacts your emotional state.