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Balance and Heal Your Beloved Pets' Energy with Animal Reiki

Balance and Heal Your Beloved Pets’ Energy with Animal Reiki

I know we all love our pets; they bring us so much love and comfort. But, our pets sometimes need extra support. One of the best ways to help them is through animal Reiki. It’s a special method. Reiki is a powerful healing method. It can help balance the energy of our beloved pets. Let’s explore the many benefits of animal Reiki and how we can use it to support the health and wellbeing of our pets.

What is Animal Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing practice. It channels and balances the universal life force energy. It reduces stress and promotes relaxation and healing.

Alos, it is administered by “laying on hands.” It is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us and causes our life. Low life force energy raises the risk of sickness and stress. High energy boosts our chances of being happy and healthy.

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What is wonderful is that, like humans, animals have an energy field. They can receive significant benefits from Reiki treatment. Practitioners will channel energy to the animal with a soft touch. This will promote balance and harmony in its body.

This modality complements traditional veterinary care. It can help with anxiety, pain, and illness. It also supports and relaxes the animals.

The Benefits of Animal Reiki

The healing benefits of Reiki for animals have been well documented. Reiki heals animals at all levels. It can fix any issue, just as it does for humans.

It can ease pain from injuries or illnesses. And it may reduce inflammation and support healing. Reiki can calm animals. It helps with stress, anxiety, and behavioral issues.

Animal reiki can improve mobility in older animals with joint issues. It is a blessing, especially as they age. Also, tt can help support animals with chronic or terminal illnesses. It can reduce their suffering and bring them peace.

Animals are very receptive to energy. I am sure you have seen your pet come and comfort you in times of stress or sadness. So when energy healing is worked on an animal, the effects can be quite profound.

Some Reiki practitioners say animals respond faster than people. They see results in a shorter time. Some even say that it can strengthen the bond between humans and their animal companions.

Reiki Horse

Why try Animal Reiki?

With all these benefits, there are many great reasons to try animal Reiki for your pet’s care. Maybe your pet has some anxiety, struggling to deal with separation from you or has a big fear of loud noises.

They could be aggressive or have odd compulsive behaviors you are trying to manage. Or your pet is dealing with an illness or chronic pain.

A great time to try Reiki is during a change. This could be moving, welcoming a new family member or pet, or facing a health issue. Your pet will feel the strain, and Reiki can provide the stability and support they need.

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No matter what your pet is experiencing, Reiki can be a powerful addition to their care.

How is Animal Reiki Performed?

If you are thinking about trying Reiki for your pet, the process is quite simple. It is recommended that you seek out a certified Animal Reiki practitioner. It’s vital to find someone experienced and compassionate when working with animals.

A typical animal reiki session involves the practitioner placing their hands softly on or near the animal. This allows Reiki energy to flow from their hands into the animal. The practitioner will often hold their hands a few inches above the animal, using a non-touch technique.

Most animals respond well to this calming, peaceful energy. They often relax and become sleepy during the session. Yet, each animal is unique, so some animals may become more energized or alert.

The practitioner will assess the animal’s needs and adjust the session based on that. At the end of the session, the practitioner will let the animal integrate the energy. Then, they will slowly bring it back to full consciousness.

Some Reiki practitioners may offer to conduct the session from a distance. They would send Reiki to your pet, even if you are not present.

The benefit of this is that distant reiki has no limits. You can send this healing energy anywhere in the world.

In Conclusion

Animal Reiki is a beautiful, gentle modality. It can provide significant benefits to our beloved pets. Reiki can be a great addition to your pet’s care. It can help with a specific issue or support their overall wellbeing.

By using this universal life force energy, we can restore balance and harmony in our pets. It will deepen our bond and ensure they live their happiest, healthiest lives.