March 28, 2025
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Solo Sex Magick

What is solo sex magick, and does it work as well as traditional sex magick? Sex magick is based on the idea that our own orgasm holds some of the highest spiritual frequencies, and is therefore the most effective way to manifest. Traditionally this practice is done with a partner, but solo sex magick can be nearly as powerful if done intentionally.

The History of Sex Magick

Sex magick dates back to the mid 19th century, during the rise of Spiritualism. It grew into the wider zeitgeist in the mid 20th century and was adopted as one of the main tools used in chaos magick.

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In the late 1800s occult practices were en vogue to the highest members of society in the West, eventually giving birth to the art of ceremonial magick and covens. We credite the practice of sex magick to Paschal Beverly Randolph. He believed that at the moment of climax our souls open up to the divine. It is this soul opening that makes manifesting and spell working through orgasm the most potent form of magick. 

The practice made its rounds through famous magickal orders such as the OTO (the Ordo Templi Orientis) as well as Aleister Crowley’s the Golden Dawn. Samuel Aun Weor later popularized it in the 20th century.

Sex magick is still used widely today!

How It Works

Sex magick is built on the pretense that the peak of climax holds an immense spiritual energy that, when focused, can alter reality. It’s important to know that magick is the art of shaping reality and bending it towards your desired outcome. Tools such as wands, herbs and chanting aid in magick ritual, but I believe that a sexual climax is the most potent tool of all.

Traditionally, sex magick is to be performed by a man and a woman. For the spell to work both must climax at the exact same time, with the intention of the spell in their minds. It’s important to keep in mind that this technique was developed in the 1850s, so for modern times traditional sex magick need not be performed by a man and a woman, but by people of any gender.

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It was also common for others that were in the coven to be sitting around the couple in a circle, also holding the intention of the spell work and helping to raise the energy. This is an unnecessary step… unless you’re into it!


So, How Does Solo Sex Magick Work?

While team work really does make the dream work, it’s not necessary to have a partner, let alone an entire coven, there to help you manifest with an orgasm.

Before you begin it’s important to be extremely clear with your intention. If you desire more money try to think of an exact amount. And if you desire love, be very clear about the feeling of that love. If you desire an end to a conflict, be clear on the overall outcome. The more clarity you have, and the better able you are to tap into how that outcome will feel the better.

Another important tool to consider using is sigils. Sigils are magickal symbols that hold the intention of the spell. We can use it in all sorts of ways, etching it into a candle, writing it on a piece of paper and putting it into your wallet, or drawing it on your sex toy with lube. Even simply imagining the sigil in your mind’s eyes at the point of climax can immensely boost your spell work.

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What is a Sigil and How Do I Make One?

For beginners you’ll want to start by writing down your intention on a piece of paper. As an example we’ll use the intention of “I have one thousand dollars.”

Side note: it is important to write your intentions down in the present tense. This helps to bring your intention out of a place of wishing and hoping, and instead into a place of knowing and having.

Next, cross out all of the vowels in the intention. For our example it would now show “hvnthsnddllrs.”

After that, cross out all the repeated consonants, which would leave us with, “hvntsdlr.” I prefer to use capital letters because they feel more powerful to me, so I would write it down as “HVNTSDLR.”

Once you have the consonants of your intention isolated it’s time to get creative! Creativity is intuition in its active form, so it’s important that you trust the creative process and have fun with it. Take each letter and use them to create a unique symbol. Per our example, you could draw the capitol H and then place the V underneath, with the top of the V meeting the bottom of the H. The N could be on the side of the H, using the vertical line of the H as the beginning of the N, etc!

I find that when I listen to my intuition, the first symbol I draw is the best one, but sometimes you need to give your intuition time to warm up. So, you may want to etch out a few different options before deciding on the final sigil.

I’ve Got My Sigil, Now What?

If you are using any kind of sex toy, or even a lubricant, you may want to place it on the sigil to charge for at least a few hours before you begin. You can even trace the sigil on your own body with lube or a toy before or during the act.

Now it’s time for some solo sex play. There’s no right or wrong way to stimulate yourself, but I would suggest not using the aid of pornography to help you climax. In fact, the best and most powerful practice would be to stimulate yourself while focusing on the sigil and the intention of your spell work.

As you approach climax repeat your intention and see the sigil in your mind. As you experience your orgasm, feel and see the outcome of your intention. Hold onto it in your mind, body and soul for as long as possible. Repeat the process daily until your intention manifests!

And remember, have fun with solo sex magick 🙂