April 1, 2025
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full worm moon

The Full Worm Moon 2022

The phases of the moon are among the most fascinating astronomical behaviors we can observe with the naked eye and deeply rich sources of thought and interpretation in Astrology. Among the 9 phases – New, Waxing Crescent, 1st Quarter Half, Waxing Gibbous, Full, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter Half, Waning Crescent, and Balsamic – the New and Full Moons capture most of the attention. This article will look at the current Full Moon and talk about the kind of “harvest” you should bring in emotionally during this full moon. Let’s see the Full Worm Moon 2022.

Full Worm Moon 2022 – Reap What You Have Sown!

The Full Worm Moon for March 2022 will occur on the 18th at 27 degrees and 40 minutes in the sign of Virgo; in my Eastern Standard Time zone, it will happen at 3:18 am.

Full Moon in Virgo chart

It takes 29.5 days from one Full Moon to the next, spending approximately 2 and ½ days in a sign. The day before and the day after comprise what would be the peak time of the Full Moon energy. The Full Moon is the time of “the harvest”, when what began with the New Moon reaches full potential before waning, fading, and preparing for a new cycle.

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Each month has a certain type of Full Moon; March’s Moon is the Worm Moon. Other names for this moon are the Death Moon, Chaste Moon, Crust Moon, and Sap Moon.

There are also several special types of Full Moons: The Blood Moon, which happens during a total lunar eclipse; a Supermoon, which happens when the Moon is full and closest to the Earth; and the Blue Moon (“once in a blue moon”), which is a second Full Moon in a calendar month (occurring once every 2 and ½ years) or the second Full Moon in the same astrological sign.

Full Worm Moon 2022 in Virgo – Harvesting through Service

This Full Moon will take place in the 3rd decan (last 10 degrees) of Virgo, making it a Virgo/Taurus Full Moon. The planetary influence involves Mercury as the ruler for Virgo and Venus as the ruler for Taurus. Thus, this Full Moon will be about taking care of our bodies, home, and personal finances.

Since the Moon is in Virgo, its energy is critical and solution-oriented. This Full Moon is going to require us to use our skills to help others. The intensity of this Full Moon around needing to do things properly cannot be emphasized enough. Thanks to the decan placement, this Full Moon will be about what it takes to find security and stability (Taurus) with our strongest need to be useful and practical (Virgo).

With this Full Moon at 27d40m, the Sabian Symbol is 28 Virgo, “A bald-headed man.” Jones says, “This is a symbol of a simple satisfaction in the inner rather than outer manifestations of reality, and of the challenge to any purely personal attainment to become more than a visible proof of the special excellency. Man is not called on to make himself a scourge of his fellows any more than he is to be encouraged to neglect them, but there are illimitable areas in which the driving power of his personality can create or advance widespread opportunities for a richer and more enjoyable living.” The keyword is: DOMINANCE.

How do your actions lead to concrete results that you can control?

The Numbers of This Full Worm Moon 2022

This Full Moon will occur on 03/18/2022, which totals 18, which totals 9. 9 is the number for compassion and wisdom, so this Full Moon encourages us to embrace the soul path work needed to understand our purpose and see the interconnections of all humanity. Since the Full Moon happens on the 18th, which totals 9, we must use our wisdom to help others and deepen our spiritual understanding of this incarnated life.

The Full Moon in Your Chart

The Full Moon will occur in a specific location of your chart and in a special relationship with various points in your chart if you have points near the same degree in the same sign, at the opposing degree (180 degrees away from a point in your chart), three signs before or after the Full Moon degree and sign (90 degrees away), or four signs before or after the Full Moon degree and sign (120 degrees away).

Respectively these would be a conjunction (the Full Moon merging with a point in your chart), an opposition (the Full Moon seeking balance with a point in your chart), a square (the Full Moon challenging a point in your chart), and a trine (the Full Moon supporting a point in your chart). It is possible that the degree and sign of the Full Moon may not form any of these relationships and its effect, for this time, would be minimal or difficult to observe.

If you happen to be born during a Full Moon, then you will feel every Full Moon in some significant or acute way because it is consistent with your birth Moon phase. It is well worth your effort to find out the Moon phase at the time of your birth. If you learn your birth Moon phase, you will likely discover that the same phase each month has a strong impact on your emotional state.

With this Full Moon, I get the impact of its energy in my 11th House of Community (Moon placement on 03/18/2022) and my 5th House of Creativity (Sun placement between 2/19 and 03/20), so this Full Moon will energize me to look at my role in my community (Virgo ruling my 11th House), and how I create, play, and compete in life (Pisces ruling my 5th House).

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As this Full Moon approaches, think about what you want to “harvest” regarding how you feel, understand yourself emotionally, and connect with the people closest to you. What have you established so far (Taurus) and what practical steps do you need to take and continue doing to keep what you have (Virgo)?