March 31, 2025
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According to Hinduism, one of the most ancient religions in the world which first appeared in India (and more precisely according to one of its branches called Brahmanism) Chakras are energy centers situated all along the spine, thus the chakra healing process, well known by so many but only discuss by few.

The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word (Sanskrit being the written language of India) meaning “wheel.” Each Chakra is an energy center that can be compared to a vortex or an energy knot that is in constant movement, spinning around a fixed point.

The Chakras are nodal points for the channels of energy running through your body. There are seven main Chakras and thousands of secondary ones. From a western standpoint, they correspond to the major nerve plexuses in our body. A nerve plexus is a complex branching network of intersecting nerve fibers that exchange information.

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Each Chakra has its own characteristics. Awakening your Chakras using the secret techniques revealed below will enable you to gradually succeed in fulfilling each of the stages of your evolution.

Getting Familiar with Your Chakras

It isn’t possible for you to see your Chakras when you are in an ordinary state of consciousness, but you can still make use of them and benefit from their advantages.

The Chakra healing process can be activated by practicing various spiritual disciplines such as Hinduism, yoga, meditation, and other consciousness-raising techniques.

To succeed, however, you must first undergo various higher levels of initiation. That said, if you are not practicing any spiritual discipline at present, and have not fully exploited your Chakras, don’t worry, it isn’t serious.

Thanks to the exercises for awakening and stimulating your Chakras revealed on this page, you will quickly awaken them and start feeling their benefits as they become more and more harmonious.

We will enable you to work on activating, caring, and healing your Chakras, using controlled breathing and creative visualization, two techniques you will discover in Chapter 2.

In the illustration below, the Chakras are shown in the order in which they should be activated, one by one, so you gradually ascend from the imperfect human state to the perfect state of a fully enlightened spiritual being.

7 chakras of the human body


The 7 Chakras of the Human Body

The illustration starts with the Chakra linked to the genital zone, the Muladhara Chakra, which is the first to be awakened, followed one by one until you reach the Sahasrara Chakra at the crown of the head.

When you have awakened all your Chakras, you will attain a state of complete spiritual realization, a state that is (generally) referred to as Enlightenment in eastern traditions.

1. Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara is the foundational Chakra, number 1 in the illustration of the 7 Chakras of the Human Body. The word “Muladhara” means “root,” and it is located in the pelvic area, between your sex organs and anus.

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Muladhara Chakra

This Chakra controls your basic survival instinct, ensuring you stay alive. It also governs the collective subconscious, storing shared memories beyond individual consciousness.

Muladhara helps you absorb Earth’s energy, keeping you grounded and stable. It regulates excretion, reproduction, and sexuality.

When balanced, this Chakra keeps you firmly connected to reality and the material world. It acts as a bridge between cosmic energy and the physical plane.

The Muladhara Chakra also influences your physical health, self-confidence, social integration, and harmony with nature.

2. Swadhistana Chakra

The Swadhistana Chakra (N°2 in the illustration of the 7 Chakras of the Human Body) is called the “Seat of the Self.” It represents what is referred to by psychoanalysts as the individual subconscious. It is situated between your coccyx (or sacral plexus) and your navel, exactly three finger widths below it.

Swadhistana Chakra

The Swadhistana Chakra regulates the currents of energy flowing through your being, and controls the flow of bodily fluids: water, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, gastric secretions, hormones…

Given its position in the body, Swadhistana also controls your sexuality and sexual behavior: virility, fertility, conception, female menstruation, and ovarian functions. It influences pleasure and desire and controls the proper functioning of your genital organs.

Swadhistana also influences the way you communicate in your social relations. In other words, it regulates the interaction you have with others in all areas: private, professional, social, intimate, etc.

When this Chakra is functioning properly you feel at ease in any situation. You feel good about yourself and possess a great ability to convince or seduce others. You become very creative and have an extremely satisfying sex life.

3. Manipura Chakra

The Manipura Chakra (N°3 in the illustration of the 7 Chakras of the Human Body) is called the “Coffer of Jewels” and is situated at the level of the solar plexus, at the bottom point of the sternum.

Manipura Chakra

The Manipura Chakra controls psychomotricity and the coordination of your movements. It can also influence your thoughts by inspiring you with new ideas.

People who have activated this Chakra are courageous, willing, and very productive at work. They can invest in several projects at the same time, with equal success.

The Manipura Chakra is a symbol of warmth, energy, and the inner fire that animates your being. It is responsible for the quality of your relationships, your likes, and your dislikes. When functioning well, it ensures lasting relationships with others and a balanced love life.

The Manipura Chakra also influences your state of mind and your moods. When it is balanced, it ensures a sense of openness, joy, and creativity. If it is not balanced, your moods are changeable and often dark. Manipura acts as a bridge between the physical body and the astral body.

4. Anahata Chakra

Anahata, the Heart Chakra, is number 4 in the illustration of the 7 Chakras of the Human Body. It is located between the shoulder blades and provides access to the soul.

Anahata Chakra

This Chakra represents instinct, the soul, physical balance, and emotional instinct. It connects the three higher spiritual Chakras with the three lower, more emotional ones.

Anahata is the seat of love in all its forms, including universal love, romantic love, and self-love, which influences self-esteem.

When balanced, the Anahata Chakra fills you with love for humanity and deep affection for one special person. However, if unbalanced, it triggers negative emotions related to failed love, separation, or the loss of a loved one. These emotions can include sadness, jealousy, emotional pain, and melancholy.

People with a harmoniously developed Anahata Chakra are stable, reliable, and balanced in love. They earn respect from others and are known for making thoughtful decisions and giving sound advice.

5. Vishuddha Chakra

The term Vishuddha means “purity.” Situated at the level of the throat (N°5 in the illustration of the 7 Chakras of the Human Body), it controls the quality of your voice and the sounds you emit.

Chakra Vishuddha

The Vishuddha Chakra regulates the functioning of your thyroid, parathyroid glands, and vocal cords. When this Chakra works properly, it gives you a calm, clear voice and makes you an excellent speaker. You become skilled at crafting words and gifted in communication and persuasion.

The throat plays a vital role because it allows you to express yourself and share thoughts and emotions with others. When the Vishuddha Chakra is blocked, you struggle to express yourself clearly and have communication issues.

This Chakra also governs your ability to listen and your auditory senses. When balanced, it makes you attentive to others and their problems. However, if the Chakra is blocked, you lose interest in others and focus only on your personal concerns, on your small “I.”

6. Ajna Chakra

This is the best known of the Chakras because it corresponds to the Third Eye (N°6 in the illustration of the 7 Chakras of the Human Body). The word Ajna means “Awareness.” It is situated at the level of the forehead, between your eyebrows, at the root of your nose.

Ajna Chakra

In addition, to be a symbol, it is the seat of consciousness and direct understanding of the reality of the world, which lies hidden behind the appearances you perceive with your usual senses. Awakening this Chakra removes the veil of appearances and enables you to see the true nature of beings and objects.

It is often associated with the hypophysis or pituitary gland, a small endocrine gland about the size of a pea, situated in a small bony cavity at the base of the brain. The Ajna Chakra is the seat of all the processes of consciousness. It controls the apparition and use of extra sensorial powers and plays an important role in the quality of your creativity.

The Ajna Chakra is called the Third Eye because when it is awakened it enables you to gain access to true spiritual knowledge. In general, a person must travel a long spiritual path and attain a significant elevation of ordinary consciousness to awaken it.

When functioning properly it endows you with clarity of mind. It improves your intuition, concentration, and compassion, and enables you to make predictions about the future. When it is not open you remain blocked on the material plane, thinking only of amassing money and property, without caring about your spiritual well-being or your personal development.

You seek only to satisfy your material requirements, without caring about the true wealth that is inside you. You reject anything connected to spirituality.

7. Sahasrara Chakra

Also called the Thousand Petal Lotus, the Sahasrara Chakra (N°7 in the illustration of the 7 Chakras of the Human Body) is the ultimate seat of human accomplishment.

It is situated at the crown of the skull and is usually represented by a Lotus flower with a thousand petals, which is where it gets its name.

Sahasrara Chakra

The Sahasrara Chakra is like a polar antenna, a spiritual center connected to the Universal Energy of the Cosmos, which is the origin of the creation of the world. It is awakened over the course of a human being’s spiritual development and provides access to what is called Enlightenment or ultimate realization.

It is considered to be the center of intelligence, consciousness, and knowledge, and it is through this Chakra that Universal Energy enters the human body. The person who successfully awakens this spiritual center possesses limitless powers.

Although you can activate your Chakras in any order you want, it is nevertheless recommended, especially at the beginning, to follow the right process of Chakra activation, whether you are a beginner or have already practiced techniques for awakening your Chakras.

The process consists of awakening your Chakras systematically from the first (the Muladhara Chakra) to the last (the Sahasrara Chakra) so you can rest assured that all 7 Chakras have been activated properly.

Chakra Healing – Positive effects on your body, your mind, and your health

Awakening the chakras is a common energy practice in many branches of Hinduism and Eastern spiritual traditions. This process is not technically difficult. It mainly requires strong belief and regular practice.

There is no specific time frame to awaken your chakras. It can take a few days or weeks, depending on your motivation and consistency.

With regular practice, awakening and stimulating your chakras becomes easier. This adds purpose to your chakra healing journey and benefits you daily. Once you master these techniques, using your chakras will feel natural and easy.

Awakening your chakras positively impacts your personal and spiritual development. It also benefits your body and mind over time. Active, regularly used chakras support good health, protect against illnesses, and help maintain physical fitness, even as you age.

Well-functioning chakras also boost brain function, mental energy, and a positive mindset. Now, all that’s left is to practice. This is the best way to experience the immense benefits of your chakras for yourself.