Zodiac Signs Ranked from the Most Envious to the Least Jealous
6 marzo 2021 | Miriam Rachel
There is one emotion that everyone experiences from one degree or another, and that is envy or jealousy.
People don’t like to talk about it because there is the belief to be a negative emotion such as anger and sadness.
However, the truth is that if you did not experience any feelings that are not positive, you would not be human.
The truth is that there is nothing wrong with a little bit of envy because it can motivate you to better yourself in some way.
For instance, if you are jealous of your neighbor because they make more money than you do, it inspires you to look for ways to increase your income.
However, the time when envy can be a problem is if the emotion consumes you.
And some people are more of the jealous and envious type than others.
That will also depend on the zodiac sign, as that will play a role.
Let’s now look at zodiac signs ranked from most envious to least jealous.
Scorpio – Most Envious Sign
Scorpio is the most intense zodiac sign, and it is also quite secretive and mysterious.
Another thing about Scorpio is that they are not trusting by nature but are too possessive and protective.
Scorpio is highly competitive and wants to be the best at anything they do, even though they don’t show it.
Therefore, they will express plenty of envy towards those who may appear more skilled than they are in some way.
Scorpio will also express plenty of jealousy if they think that anyone could potentially take away their partner.
That can even mean if someone is standing next to their other half, Scorpio will get jealous.
That is because they don’t trust the intentions that the individual standing next to their partner has.
Even though it would likely be innocent.
Cancer – Very Envious But Keeps it Hidden
Cancer is the most emotional zodiac sign, and it is the most nurturing one around.
However, because Cancer is a water sign, like Scorpio, they can also be too envious.
Cancer is not the competitive type, so they would not care if you were better at a skill than they were.
However, because Cancer is the maternal and nurturing type, if the one they care for prefers to be in the company of someone else than the Cancer – then you can bet that will bring out the green-eyed monster.
For instance, a mom who is a Cancer who sacrifices her wants and needs to take care of her kids prefers the dad over her – then you can expect Cancer to be quite jealous of the dad.
Cancer would show that in passive-aggressive ways.
Leo – Jealous When Their Spotlight Is Taken Away
Leo is lovable and warm-hearted, and very generous.
However, the one thing that you do not want to do to a Leo is to take their spotlight away from them.
They must have the attention on them, and if it goes to someone else, that will cause Leo to have a jealous fit.
That will cause Leo to do anything possible to take the spotlight away from the other.
For instance, Leo puts up a lot of good-looking selfies and shares them across social media.
However, if Leo finds that someone else’s selfie gets more reactions than theirs, then that will bring out the green-eyed monster.
Leo may tell them that they are not significant and will continue to create more beautiful selfies to take the other’s attention away.
Virgo – Virgo Does Not Want Anyone to Be Cleaner and More Organized Than Them
Virgo is an analytical earth sign and does not experience jealousy when it comes to relationships.
In addition to that, Virgo stays out of the spotlight and will gladly allow Leo to take their place.
However, because of Virgo’s analytical and perfectionist nature, they will experience jealousy when you have more organizational skills than they do.
That means especially when it comes to organizing and cleaning.
Virgo cannot handle it if your home is more organized and cleaner than theirs.
That means Virgo will go back home and make sure that their home is more uncluttered and more organized than yours.
They will even take a picture of it to show you that they outdid you.
Aries – Jealous If You Are About to Win
Aries is a passionate fire sign, and even though they are competitive by nature, they won’t go after anything that is not important to them.
Aries is not also possessive by nature unless something or someone is quite important to them.
Even then, they won’t become jealous of their partner’s friends and co-workers the way Scorpio would.
That is unless there was a genuine reason for them to be.
However, when Aries gets jealous, they are directly competing against you, and you win.
That can mean if you beat them to a game, or if you end up taking the job role that they applied for at a company months ago.
Then Aries will get jealous, and because of the fact they have an intense temper, watch out when they do.
Taurus – Possessive Yet Not Usually Envious
Tauro es un signo que representa la tenacidad y el amor por las cosas materiales y los alimentos.
De hecho, los Tauro no se rinden cuando quieren ir tras algo y trabajan duro para conseguirlo, por muy difícil que sea conseguirlo.
Otra cosa de Tauro es que es posesivo, por lo que no le gusta renunciar a sus objetos tan rápidamente.
Sin embargo, Tauro no es demasiado envidioso en la mayoría de los casos.
Por lo general, a Tauro no le importará que tengas una casa más maravillosa o ropa más bonita.
Eso se debe a que tu estilo de casa o de ropa no es el que ellos desean, y Tauro sabe lo que quiere.
Sin embargo, Tauro también es de los que les cuesta desprenderse de sus emociones, ya que se aferran a todo.
Si Tauro te tiene envidia por algo, les costará asumirlo y dejarlo ir.
También podrían tener celos de algo que tú no esperarías.
Capricornio – Sólo te envidian si tienes más éxito
Capricornio es el signo más ambicioso del zodíaco, y no es del tipo celoso.
La verdad es que Capricornio es reservado y sólo se preocupa de alcanzar sus objetivos.
Los de este signo no se preocupan por lo que haces tú.
Sin embargo, hay una excepción.
Si Capricornio ve que persigues lo mismo que ellos, sentirá mucha envidia.
Sobre todo si aspiras a ocupar el mismo puesto directivo que ellos o a dirigir un negocio en el mismo sector.
Sin embargo, Capricornio tiene mucha autodisciplina y será amable contigo aunque sienta envidia.
Sin embargo, puedes esperar que Capricornio encuentre al mismo tiempo la forma de conseguir lo que tú persigues.
Libra – Despreocupado pero no sin envidia
Libra es sinónimo de equilibrio, y lo único que quiere es que seas feliz.
Si consigues un puesto de trabajo prestigioso, se alegrarán de verdad por ti.
Si tienes aptitudes excepcionales de las que ellos carecen, también se alegrarán por ti.
Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, Libra sentiría punzadas de envidia si ganaras un concurso de belleza o tuvieras ropa más a la moda que ellos.
Esto se debe a que la belleza y el estilo son esenciales para ellos.
Lo mismo ocurre con las relaciones.
Libra sentirá celos si te enamoras de la misma que ellos.
Sin embargo, como a Libra no le gusta la confrontación, ocultará sus celos y será diplomático.
Sagitario – Sólo un poco celoso de los que más le aventuran
Sagittarius is happy-go-lucky and optimistic.
Therefore, if you take their crush or take their spotlight, they won’t be upset about it for very long, if at all.
The only thing that can cause any inner green-eyed-monster to emerge from them is if they see that your passport has more stamps than theirs.
In addition to that, they will feel pangs of envy if they discover that you experience more adventures than they do.
However, Sagittarius won’t stew in those feelings for too long.
They will pick themselves up and catch up to you.
The tables are often turned because others are often jealous of Sagittarius for their optimistic nature and love for adventure.
Aquarius – Embraces Their Uniqueness but Has Small Pangs of Envy of Others
Aquarius is not at all the jealous type, and that is because they are too concerned about finding their place in this confusing world.
They embrace their unique ways, and they also have plenty of concern over humanitarian issues.
However, if they said they did not feel just a little bit of envy towards those who like fads and those who conform to society, they would not be honest.
Even though Aquarius does not want to follow the herd in any way or form, a tiny part wishes that they could be like others.
Aquarius would likely not admit that, but they do feel that way.
Pisces – Too Happy For The Success of Others to Struggle With Envy
Pisces is very different from the other two water signs, Scorpio and Cancer.
Scorpio and Cancer are the most envious signs since they rank at the top of the list.
However, Pisces is more of a passive water sign, so it falls at the bottom of the list.
Pisces is genuinely happy for others when they succeed, even if they have something that Pisces wanted.
That does not mean that Pisces would stand to someone taking their partner.
However, instead of assuming the worst, that would be one of the rarer times that would cause Pisces to step up and ask questions.
Gemini – Too Carefree to Be Jealous
There is one reason that Gemini falls right at the bottom of the envy scale ranking zodiac signs is that those with the sign don’t care enough to be jealous.
Gemini switches from liking and wanting one thing to the next, and that is why Gemini doesn’t experience a lot of envy.
Gemini is too carefree to care too much.
Gemini is also friendly and likable and will be the type to root for people instead of looking at them with envy – even if they won something that Gemini wanted.
That is probably also because Gemini didn’t want that thing that someone else won all along.
However, what if you happen to be a Gemini or a Pisces and you struggle with envy?
On the flip side, what if you are a Leo or a Scorpio and you have more of a carefree attitude?
If you are a Gemini, but your Moon sign is in Leo, Cancer, or Scorpio, that would explain why you struggle to let go of envious feelings.
That even goes for your rising sign in a zodiac sign that ranks high on the jealousy scale.
On the flip side, if you are a Leo but your Moon sign is in Gemini, and your rising sign is in Pisces, then any jealous feelings you would have you can overcome quickly.
Always remember that your sun sign only makes up a small fraction of your horoscope.
I am a Canadian mom, writer, astrologer, tarot reader, and evidential medium who enjoys traveling, loves to unravel mysteries, and is passionate about metaphysics and spirituality. I am also a mental health advocate and a podcaster, as I have my show, The Tarot Table. You can connect with me at https://creativetarot.net.