February 18, 2025
Free Horoscope
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This Winter Love Forecast highlights a magical time for lovers to reunite and for those in long-term relationships to build a deeper, closer connection. The key words for this season will be authenticity, vulnerability, empathy, and closeness. Soulmates will be finding one another and reconnecting on a grand scale in early 2025!

Winter 2025 Love Forecast – Capricorn New Moon

The year is heralded by a Moon on 31 December, just a couple of hours before midnight.  The new Moon is at 9 Capricorn and will bring fresh energy, positivity and joy for the first day of 2025.

Venus in Aquarius will also be inclining us towards expressing our creativity and considering ways we can prioritise authenticity.  For love this will favour fun and spontaneity.  Aquarius show love in an unusual way and likes to be inventive and off the way.  This starts the year with a lovely free spirited vibe, which encourages us to be ourselves.  It also shows that the most successful love connections are honest, open and full of curiosity and laughter. 

Mars Retrograde {in Leo and Cancer}

Mars retrograde will be a background flavour of the Winter 2024-5.  It turns retrograde on 6 December 2024 from the sign of Leo {staying retrograde until 24 February 2025}. 

When planets are retrograde we are encouraged to look within.  To re-connect to ourselves, and consider our deepest, truest feelings.  It’s so easy in the modern world to skim over traumatic changes and emotional upheavals.  These planetary retrogrades help us to stay in balance and in touch with our real selves.  To feel emotions that we may have neglected to experience, or dismissed as unimportant.

When Mars in retrograde, physical energy is lower and dreams become more vivid.  At this time repetitive regular exercise is more appropriate than setting extensive goals. Mars retrograde is not a good time to start training for a new sports achievement or event.  It’s a time to allow for rest, recuperation, meditation and raw foods.

Mars retrograde is a good time for a health overhaul.  Book in a massage or appointment with a reflexologist, acupuncturist, chiropractor or reiki healer.  Take good care of your long term health.  Consider a revamp of your diet to cut out any processed foods and dairy.  Allergies and vulnerabilities are more likely to flare up when Mars is retrograde, so pre-empt and know issues with great habits and choices.

Pluto and deeper connections {Pluto in Aquarius, Pluto sextile North Node}

With Pluto now in Aquarius to stay until 2043, the age of Aquarius will feel like it’s truly begun! Pluto in Aquarius encourages us to care more for one another and build strong social networks – in person! Community events and developing good friendship groups will become a continuing theme over the next 20 years.

In terms of love, it really is important to choose a partner who can also be your best friend. Some may find that they fall in love with a person they’ve known for a long time. Others may be introduced to a love interest by a friend, or meet somebody exciting a community event.

Environmental concerns are already a global issue. The Aquarius influence will encourage us to prioritise greener choices and look at how we can connect more locally.

Soulmates often find they have lived parallel lives, frequently circuiting one another, only noticing when they are ready for true love. Becoming more involved in your local area may reveal the love match you always wished for!

Winter 2025 Love Forecast – Venus in Pisces

From the 4 January 2025 Venus will move into romantic Pisces, where it expresses the highest and purest form of love.  Venus in Pisces is all about learning unconditional love but also romantic appreciation and soul love.

Tantric sex is all about ‘worship’ of the partner and seeing the others’ true beauty through their eyes. “The eyes are the windows to the soul, and hands, the gateway.”
Reconnecting to a long-term partner with eye contact and touch is the perfect expression of Venus in Pisces energy.

For those looking for love, being around music, nature and art will help to create that compatible romantic flavour.  We all have 7 senses and can feel more energy than we tend to realise.   Following our intuition and imagining our soulmate reaching out to us will strengthen the bond.  Imagine a golden cord from your heart to theirs, and follow the feeling of that cord to move closer to your soul connection.

Love is a strong bond and so many of us reunite with lovers throughout our lifetimes.  We can be in tune with those connections easily when Venus is in Pisces. 

Chiron connecting to Mars, Sun and Mercury

Chiron in Aries will be making many contacts in early 2025. When Chiron is prominent it is time to look at healing and authenticity. Our emotional health reflects directly into our close personal relationships. Our emotional balance also affects our physical health. Chiron ~ the wounded healer ~ asks us to consider the cause of our emotional blocks.

How much of your behaviour is a re-run on what you witnessed in your early childhood. How ~conscious~ are you of your thoughts and actions?

To be ready for true soulmate love, you need to be in touch with your soul.

Early 2025 asks us to go within and look at the walls we hide behind. Review our defence mechanisms and unconscious behavioural patterns.

Let go of what you have experienced and know that a closed heart does not avoid pain. A closed heart hurts all the time. An open heart, recognises a soul connection and an open heart is resilient. When your heart is open it heals quickly and it understands with whom it resonates….and belongs.

Chiron is a very romantic asteroid, as true love is about having compatible issues. It’s easy to love somebody when they are at their best, unconditional love is the real magic.

Summary for Winter Love Forecast 2025

Many new relationships will begin in early 2025, as we all feel a deeper connection to our true selves. Some will reconnect with old loves that have remained close to their hearts. Others will meet soulmates and fall in love fully for the first time. Or, perhaps just the first time in this incarnation.

Have the courage to feel neglected emotions and pain. At this time old feelings will rise to the surface to be healed. Healing IS an essential component of true love. Allow that trauma to be experienced and for those tears to flow.

Happiness and true love are synonymous with authenticity and an open heart.

Have the courage to accept and embrace your true, authentic self and you will magnetically attract this love towards you also.