April 25, 2024
Free Horoscope
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Welcome to the Tarot Horoscope, a combination of Astrology and Tarot/Oracle Cards. Each month I will draw a card for each sign of the Zodiac. That card represents the meditation for the month for that Sun Sign. The Sun Sign represents your “Primary Drive” in life, how you best manifest your Life Path, and how the light of the Sun energizes you each day. This month I have chosen to use the Magic of Marvel Oracle written by Casey Gilly and illustrated by Sol Devia. 

Tarotscope for Aries (Mar 21 to Apr 19)


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Maverick Active Fire energy fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best independently; you must learn self-discipline to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Wolverine. The keyword for this card is “independence.”

Message: Wolverine signifies finding solace in solitude, embracing the strength and resilience that comes from self-reliance. When alone, you discover inner strength and resourcefulness, realizing that your own company is enough to navigate life’s challenges with courage and conviction.

Action to Take: Spend a day hiking in nature alone, immersing yourself in the tranquility of the woods, reflecting on your thoughts and emotions while connecting with the natural world. This solitary experience can foster inner strength and provide clarity on your path forward.

Tarotscope for Taurus (Apr 20 to May 20)


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Persistent Stable Earth energy fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you feel secure; you must learn some degree of adaptability to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the Rogue and Gambit. The keyword for this card is, “romance.”

Message: Embrace vulnerability and open your heart to love, trusting in the power of connection and mutual support. Allow yourself to be authentic in relationships, sharing your feelings openly and receiving love with grace and acceptance.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, consider planning a heartfelt gesture for your partner, such as preparing a surprise dinner or writing a heartfelt letter expressing your love and appreciation. Alternatively, schedule quality time together to deepen your connection and strengthen your bond.

Tarotscope for Gemini (May 21 to Jun 20)


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Curious Adaptable Air energy fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best doing tasks that stimulate your mind in a variety of ways; you must learn how to focus-on-demand to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Storm. The keyword for this card is, “energize.”

Message: Embrace your inner strength and confidence when you draw the Storm card. It urges you to tap into your power and take bold action. Trust your intuition and assert yourself fearlessly, knowing that you have the ability to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, consider taking assertive action in pursuit of your goals. Speak up for yourself, confront challenges head-on, and channel your inner strength to unleash your potential. Don’t hold back; let your voice be heard and your power be felt.

Tarotscope for Cancer (Jun 21 to Jul 22)



Nurturing Active Water fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you care-take yourself and others properly; you must learn “emotional balance” to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Nightcrawler. The keyword for this card is, “confidence.”

Message: Nightcrawler reminds you to embrace your unique beauty and self-worth. Despite perceived flaws, recognize your inherent value and radiance. Cultivate self-love and confidence, seeing yourself through compassionate eyes and celebrating the beauty within.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, practice affirmations in front of a mirror, focusing on your inner beauty and unique qualities. Engage in self-care activities that make you feel confident and empowered, such as treating yourself to a spa day or indulging in a hobby you love.

Tarotscope for Leo (Jul 23 to Aug 22)



Strong-burning Stable Fire fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you are creative; you must learn structure to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Spectrum. The keyword for this card is, “transcendence.”

Message: Spectrum invites you to embrace the brilliance of your own inner light and radiance. Embrace your authenticity and shine brightly, illuminating the path ahead with your unique gifts and talents. Allow your light to guide you fearlessly towards your dreams and aspirations.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, consider spending time in nature under the sunlight or meditating in a bright room. Surround yourself with positive energy and engage in activities that uplift your spirit, such as dancing, singing, or practicing gratitude to amplify your inner light.

Tarotscope for Virgo (Aug 23 to Sep 22)



Practical Adaptable Earth fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you get all the details in order; you must learn to “see the forest for the trees” to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Doctor Strange. The keyword for this card is, “knowledge.”

Message: Doctor Strange signifies the power of intention in achieving greatness. By setting clear intentions and aligning your actions with your goals, you can unlock your full potential and manifest success in all areas of your life.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, consider creating a ritual to set your intentions. For example, you might light a candle, meditate on your goals, and write them down in a journal. Visualize your desires manifesting as you focus your energy on your intentions during the ritual.

Tarotscope for Libra (Sep 23 to Oct 22)



Analytical Active Air fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when acting logically; you must learn to mix in feelings to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Hela. The keyword for this card is, “endings.”

Message: Hela signifies the inevitability of closure and transformation. Embrace endings as opportunities for new beginnings, accepting the cyclical nature of life. Release attachments to what no longer serves you, trusting in the natural flow of change and regeneration.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, it’s like sorting through your belongings for a yard sale. Look through your life’s possessions and identify what you no longer need or want. Consider donating these items to Goodwill, allowing them to find new purpose and bringing closure to your space.

Tarotscope for Scorpio (Oct 23 to Nov 21)



Intense Persistent Water energy fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when bringing or experiencing transformation; you must learn “playfulness or lightness of heart” to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Emma Frost. The keyword for this card is, “seduction.”

Message: Emma Frost embodies a facade of composure concealing deeper complexities. It suggests being wary of appearances and hidden agendas. Just as Emma’s icy demeanor masks her true intentions, remain vigilant against deception and trust your intuition to discern what lies beneath the surface.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, take a step back and reassess situations with a critical eye. Practice discernment and avoid taking things at face value. Delve beneath the surface to uncover hidden truths, and proceed cautiously, especially in matters where deception may be at play.

Tarotscope for Sagittarius (Nov 22 to Dec 21)



Expansive Adaptable Fire fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best exploring openly and trying new experiences; you must learn to map and record your knowledge to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Nick Fury. The keyword for this card is “leadership.”

Message: Nick Fury signifies a call to leadership and responsibility. Embrace your role with confidence and trust in your abilities. Others look to you for guidance, so assert your authority and make decisions decisively, knowing that you are capable of handling whatever challenges come your way.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, take charge of a situation that requires leadership. Make decisions with confidence and authority, trusting in your abilities. Communicate clearly and assertively, ensuring that others understand your vision and follow your direction effectively…

Tarotscope for Capricorn (Dec 22 to Jan 19)



Ambitious Active Earth fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you are setting and achieving goals; you must learn compassion to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Spider-Man. The keyword for this card is, “responsibility.”

Message: Spider-Man suggests embracing your responsibilities and obligations with agility and determination. Navigate through life’s challenges with grace and flexibility, utilizing your unique skills and resources to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Keep moving forward, knowing that you have important tasks to fulfill.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, approach your day like Spider-Man swinging through the city. Tackle your to-do list efficiently, starting with the most urgent tasks. Just like Spidey zips between skyscrapers, move swiftly and confidently through your responsibilities, making progress with each web-slinging leap.

Tarotscope for Aquarius (Jan 20 to Feb 18)



Unconventional Stable Air fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you are authentic and unrepentant; you must learn quiet fortitude to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Domino. The keyword for this card is, “luck.”

Message: Domino suggests embracing optimism and seizing opportunities with confidence. Even in uncertain situations, trust in your instincts and believe in your ability to navigate challenges successfully. Embrace the belief that luck is on your side, and you’ll attract positive outcomes.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, embrace a positive mindset and take calculated risks in areas where you usually hesitate. For example, apply for that job you’ve been eyeing or invest in a project you believe in. Trust that luck is on your side.

Tarotscope for Pisces (Feb 19 to Mar 20)



Imaginative Adaptable Water fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best connecting with others emotionally; you must learn toughness to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Captain Marvel. The keyword for this card is, “action.”

Message: Captain Marvel encourages seizing the day and embracing opportunities with determination. It urges you to confront challenges head-on, knowing that every moment presents a chance for growth and transformation. Embrace life’s challenges as stepping stones toward your ultimate goals.

Action to Take: When you draw this card, seize the day by committing to a daily goal-setting ritual. Write down one meaningful task or intention to accomplish each day and take actionable steps toward achieving it. This practice will help you make the most of each day and progress toward your larger aspirations.


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