Why Do Many Predictions Made by the Best Psychics Not Always Come True?
6 octubre 2021 | Miriam Rachel
Many well-renowned and excellent psychics have predicted many things that have come true.
And yet, some of those exact psychics also predicted things that did not happen.
When you hear of a prediction that a well-renowned psychic making did not come true, unfortunately, others point fingers at them and call them scam artists, fakes, or lousy psychics.
Unfortunately, many tarot readers, mediums, and others in the industry are not legitimate.
They will tell their clients or the public what they want to hear instead of what they genuinely sense.
Those readers, unfortunately, give the legitimate ones in the industry a bad name because of their dishonesty.
However, you must remember several reasons why psychic predictions made by the best or better-than-average psychics don’t always come true.
Let’s go over several of those reasons now.
There Is No Such Thing as A Psychic That Has a 100% Accuracy Rate
Excellence is what you want to see in any professional that you hire, and not perfection.
That is because perfection is not realistic.
There is no such thing as a psychic or tarot reader that has a one-hundred percent rate.
And if there was any reader who said they did, then they are not honest.
Think about even a well-renowned doctor.
You want to have a doctor that is very capable and knows their stuff quite well.
However, even the best doctor will make some mistakes because there is no such thing as perfection.
Regardless of their profession, anyone who is humble enough to tell you that they always do their best but are not perfect is trustworthy.
Those who tell you that they are better than other professionals in their fields and never make mistakes are the ones to keep away from with a ten-foot pole.
Understand That Free Will Can Alter How Destiny Plays Out
The last thing you want to do is ever go to a psychic or tarot reader that tells you what will happen in your life is set in stone.
That is because nothing is set in stone as there is no such thing.
If they say that, then that is dishonesty on their part right there.
However, at the same time, I do believe that some things are destined to happen, and those things are inevitable.
Does that sound contradictory?
I’ll explain this better.
Nothing is set in stone because you are free to take whatever path you choose in life.
However, once you take a particular path, then certain things will happen that are inevitable.
That is destiny.
A veces hay algunas cosas en tu vida que ocurrirán inevitablemente, independientemente del camino que tomes.
Por ejemplo, si observas tu carta natal, verás puntos kármicos específicos en ella.
Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, eso no te impide tomar decisiones que te llevarán a otras cosas que están destinadas a suceder en tu vida.
Te lo explicaré mejor.
Si naciste en el seno de una familia con bajos ingresos, eso estaba destinado a ocurrir en tu vida.
Probablemente era para que experimentaras la vida de tener una familia que tenía que arreglárselas a duras penas.
Sin embargo, nada está escrito en piedra para que vivas el resto de tu vida luchando económicamente.
Puede que tengas planetas, como un Saturno afiliado, en tu Casa II, que indiquen que vives de cheque en cheque.
Sin embargo, ¿y si un tránsito beneficioso de Venus o Júpiter hace un aspecto fácil a Saturno o a otra zona de tu carta durante un momento crucial de la vida que puede llevarte a mejorar tu situación económica?
Que aproveches o no esas oportunidades no depende totalmente del libre albedrío.
Si tienes arraigado que ser rico no está en tus cartas por haber visto luchar a tus padres, rechazarás esas oportunidades y te enfrentarás a luchas financieras en la vida.
Ése será tu destino porque ése es el camino que estás tomando.
Sin embargo, si te dieras cuenta de que puedes liberarte de las dificultades económicas y encontrar la oportunidad adecuada para ganar dinero, tu destino sería muy diferente, y más rico.
Un ejemplo actual de cómo el libre albedrío interfirió en el desarrollo del destino
Antes de hablar de este ejemplo, cuando hago lecturas de tarot para clientes, en particular, siempre les pido que sean específicos con sus preguntas.
De lo contrario, no obtendría un mensaje claro de las cartas.
Sin embargo, si me piden que investigue algo dado un camino concreto que están tomando y obtienen una lectura que no es favorable, me preguntan si eso está destinado a suceder.
Siempre les digo que está destinado a suceder si toman ese camino que las cartas indicaban que no era el mejor.
Sin embargo, también les digo que existe el libre albedrío, y que pueden cambiar su destino tomando otro camino.
Therefore, if they ask me to look into a different direction they plan to take, and the cards reveal a much better message – then that is the one to take to have a better destiny.
That means, for instance, if they ask me to look into how a job would turn out that they applied for and the message I got from the cards did not show the best outcome – then it would be best to look for another job that would provide them a much better result.
So that is an example of a common issue I examine for clients.
Now, let’s go over that example.
I did a tarot reading back in December, looking into when the pandemic would end in certain countries.
The way the cards appeared resulted in August of 2021, which we now know is wrong.
Was it wrong because I did not know my stuff?
And I also will reiterate that I do not have a one-hundred percent accuracy rate.
No reader does.
However, at the same time, it could have happened.
I will tell you why.
The reading was conducted right after Pfizer and Moderna were ready and approved.
Therefore, since I had that on my mind during the reading, the cards were picking that up.
By August of 2021, and even earlier, the USA, Canada, the UK, and many places in Europe had enough vaccines to cover the eligible population.
Therefore, based on that, the pandemic could have ended regardless of its variants in those countries.
However, as we know, it did not end because vaccine uptake was insufficient, and even though the vaccines were there, they may have been less accessible to many people.
That is free will interfering with that prediction.
Therefore, since that happened, that changed the destiny.
Therefore, the pandemic, unfortunately, is continuing, and in many parts of the world, it is raging.
The one thing about free will is that no one can ever predict it.
Therefore, if a well-renounced and highly accurate psychic ever predicted something that did not happen, they could have been wrong.
However, free will may have likely played a significant role.
The takeaway is that no psychic has a perfect accuracy rate.
It does not happen.
Secondly, free will cannot be predicted at all.
That is why nothing is set in stone, nor can it be.
If you decide to take a particular path, then things will inevitably happen.
Therefore, that is destiny.
However, you can always change the course because of free will, which will change your future.
That is something to remember that the choices you make will lead you to an inevitable destiny.
Suppose you are unsure of what choice to make regarding a job, a significant purpose, or the direction you want to go with a relationship.
In that case, that is when it is a good idea to consult with a reputable reader or a trusted therapist to help you make the best decision.
You want to maximize your chances of having the best outcome.
I am a Canadian mom, writer, astrologer, tarot reader, and evidential medium that enjoys traveling loves to unravel mysteries and is passionate about metaphysics and spirituality. I am also a mental health advocate and owner of several Medium publications, one being Tarot Talk, and you can find me at https://miriamreadstarot.com.